Candy Thief [P.3] - Gabriel x Reader

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"Gabriel! Where's my fucking hairbrush?" Your shout echoes through the room without reply. "I swear to your father-"

"Woah woah woah, no need for that. I've got your hairbrush right here."

You sigh, turning to see him walking in the room.

"Why do you even have my hairbrush?" You ask, snatching it from him and inspecting it.

"I was using it to spread butter on my toast. What did you think I'd be using it for? I needed to brush my hair."

You cover your mouth, trying to stifle laughter.

"What?" He asks, crossing his arms.

"Nothing, nothing," you reply innocently, looking away.

You manage to stay quiet only for a few seconds before you bursts into full-fledged laughing fits.

"You have to use a hairbrush?"

"You think my hair does itself?" He asks, not at all embarrassed.

"Well..." Your laughter dies down a little. "I mean, not exactly..."

You stop laughing completely, realizing how stupid that actually sounds.

"Look, whatever. I actually need to talk to you."

Your heartbeat quickens and your mind assumes the worst.

"You're leaving?"

"What? No, my uh... my grace isn't all back yet."

"Oh. Okay." You try to keep the relief out of our voice but fail for the most part. "What do you need then?"

Gabriel plops down on the couch and you do the same after putting your hairbrush on the counter.

"I am so bored here, (Y/n). Let's go do something!"

You turn to face him a little more.

"I'd love to, but-"

"C'mon, please? You leave me alone all the time and all I do is watch TV and eat. What kind of life is that?"

You bite your lip, already feeling awful.

"I'm sorry I can't give you what you had when you were back in your universe-"

"Shit, no no no, that's not what I meant, I don't want you to feel bad." He takes your hand and looks into your eyes. "The point wasn't to make you feel bad, I just wanna get out and do something with you. You work hard all the time and I'm bored. You deserve a break and I don't want to stay here and do nothing. Can we please go somewhere?"

You start to shake your head, but one last look at his face breaks your defense.


He jumps up off the couch.

"Yes! Let's go now!"

"Now? We haven't even decided what we're doing yet!"

He only takes a second to think before he comes up with an answer.

"Disney World!"

You stand up off the couch, throwing your hands into the air.

"Disney World? What, do you think I'm made of money? How am I going to pay to get there? Or to get in? And what about food? And somewhere to stay? Gabriel-"

He grabs your shoulders and shakes you gently.

"(Y/n), you need to take a break from all that worrying. Leave it to me, I'll take care of everything."


"But nothing! Go lay down or watch TV or something. I'll have everything sorted out in the morning. Okay?"

You bite your lip, ready to continue arguing.

"Okay?" Gabriel says louder, and it's clear it isn't really a question.

"Alright, alright," you sigh, smiling slightly.


"I'm heading to bed," you yawn, shuffling towards the doorway. "And Gabriel?"

"Hm?" He hums, looking up.

"Thanks. A lot. I don't know what I'd do without you."

He smiles, flicking off the TV.

"No problem. Get some rest."

Eek I know it's short and not great but I just wanted to put something out for you guys.

Stay Awesome ~ NeedsMoreMisha

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