Preferences (Sick Days)

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Writing this cause I'm actually sick at the moment 🤒

You usually try to hide it from him so he won't worry, but he always figures it out sooner or later and demands that you stay in bed all day. He brings you everything you need and cuddles you despite the fact that he knows he'll end up getting sick, too.

He can immediately tell when you're sick, sometimes before you fully realize it yourself. He spends the day watching movies with you, but not getting too close so that he doesn't get sick, too.

He can sense when you're sick, but you never let him heal you like he wants to, so instead he cuddles with you until you're better.

He tries to act like he could care less, but you always catch him. Sometimes when he thinks you're asleep, he'll put his hand to your forehead and then give it a quick kiss.

He will shower you in candy, which makes you almost look forward to the next time you have a cold. You don't let him heal you, but you do let him cuddle in bed with you.

He's so sweet, he insists on not leaving you at all. The only time he leaves your side is to get you soup, blankets, movies and tissues, etc.

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