Stormy Nights Aren't So Bad After All - Sam x Reader

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Erg. I'm running out of ideas. I know I've said it many times but y'all know that requests are open, right? Request something for crying out loud! 😄 Contact me through DM or leave a comment! If you want to contact me through social media, my Instagram is @ and my Snapchat is @ my.waywardpie . Warning though, I don't use my snapchat at all. Contact me there tho if you feel like it. You don't have to be really specific. Just give me a character and a plot line for the imagine. That's all you have to do. Anyways, I'm done wasting your time. Enjoy the imagine!

Thunder shakes the bunker. Lightning strikes on the ground.

Storms. You hate them. People always say the sound of storms calms them or even helps them sleep. To that you say bullshit. They are loud and dangerous, and they scare the shit out of you.

Which is why you are currently hiding out in your bedroom. You have the covers wrapped around you tightly. You rock slightly, trying to calm yourself so as not to disturb Sam or Dean. However, quiet whimpers sometimes manage to escape your mouth. Lightning strikes unexpectedly close and you jump, falling off the bed with a loud thump. You curse loudly to yourself, a tear steadily sliding down your cheek.

You had tried to distract yourself early on by watching anime, and then by reading through a book. When neither of those had worked, you had told Sam and Dean you were tired and turning in for the night. Dean only shrugged, shouting a half-hearted good night, but Sam's eyes followed you as you walked away, hands shaking.

A knock sounds on your door, causing a scream to erupt out of your throat before you can manage to stifle it. You get up, warily clutching your blanket and opening the door. You look up to meet the eyes of Sam.

"(Y/n), are you okay?"

His eyes are a bit red underneath. He must've been asleep.

"I'm fine, Sam. Don't worry about me. Go back to bed."

He looks at you doubtfully, taking in your tear-stained face and shaking form.

"Are you sure? I heard a really loud thump..."

"Oh, you know me. I'm just so clumsy," you sniff. "I rolled out of bed."

He raises an eyebrow.

"Have you been awake since you came in here?"

You look down, finally nodding.

"(Y/n), it's one in the morning. Aren't you tired?"

You rub your eyes.

"A bit..." you bite your lip, hating to admit it. "I didn't want to bother you."

His eyes soften and he reaches for your arm.

"What's wrong?"

You sigh, letting him lead you out of your room and into his.


Thunder sounds loudly from outside and you press into him quickly, wrapping your arms around him.

"Oh," he says, understanding what's happening. "(Y/n), it can't hurt you."

You sit in his bed, not answering.

"It still scares me though," you finally answer, leaning against him.

The thunder and lightning get louder, the howling wind joining too, but Sam keeps you calm, hugging you, stroking your hair. That night, you fall asleep under the covers, his arms around you protectively.

I know, this was really short. I apologize! I also apologize for how bad it turned out lol. I had a better idea of this in my head but now that I've typed it, it looks mediocre.

Stay Awesome ~ NeedsMoreMisha

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