Candy Thief [P.2] - Gabriel x Reader

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The next morning, you wake up in bed, stretching out. The sun is leaking in through the window and normally you'd be bothered, but Saturdays are universally known as good days. You don't have to work, your schedule is completely free.

You sit up, twisting your neck around to pop it, preparing yourself to get out of bed. Mid-yawn, everything comes rushing back, and you nearly fall out of bed.

Looking around, you aren't quite sure that last night's events actually happened. Maybe you went to a bar and had one too many drinks, dreaming up this whole thing as a result? But no, that couldn't be. His clothes from the night before are sitting right outside your bathroom door.

You ease out of bed, tiptoeing over to the door. Sure enough, an archangel blade is hidden underneath the sloppy pile, flecks of blood still here and there. You leave it there without touching it.

Pressing your ear against the door, you hear the unsteady sound of water hitting the shower floor. You consider knocking on the door, but the water is already being shut off. You tell yourself to move, but you're still standing there, leaning against the door. A light curse is heard through the door, and finally, you move to go to the kitchen. However, just as you are moving to leave, the door opens and you nearly screech.

He's literally in nothing but a towel. You shield your eyes as if seeing him will scar you for life. To be honest, the only other times you'd seen shirtless guys was in movies, and the one time you hooked up with some guy in the school bathroom at prom.

"Woah, can't a guy get some privacy? I assume you know what that means, or are you ditzier than you claim to be?"

You almost move your hand from your eyes to cross your arms angrily.

"For the last time, I'm not ditzy! I very well know what privacy is! And it's not like I wanted to see you naked or anything."

There isn't even time for you to feel embarrassed about the blunt statement because you're moving on as fast as you can.

"I just... didn't know if I dreamt this up or something. I was checking and I just came over here to look at your clothes."

You nudge the archangel blade with your toe, hiding it under the clothes completely.

"Wait, why'd you even leave your shit out here in the first place? Did you find something to wear?"

"As a matter of fact, I did not. However..." He opens the door farther and starts walking to the kitchen, still only wearing the towel. "You're bathroom is really small, and I didn't want to feel cramped."

"It's a pile of clothes!" You sigh, already getting exasperated.

"While we're on the subject of clothes," Gabriel says, opening up cabinets and looking for something to eat. "You're gonna get me some, right? Unless you want me to just walk around naked."

"Uh, definitely not. I'll grab you something. You need anything else while I'm out?"

"Yeah," he replies, slamming shut the last cabinet and opening the fridge. "Don't you keep any candy around here?"

"In this apartment, candy is a luxury, not a necessity."

Gabriel gasps at you, clearly offended.

"How could you? I don't think I can live under the same roof as you anymore."

You smile at his dramatics and shove half a granola bar in your mouth.

"These have some chocolate in them, but-"

Within seconds he's grabbing the entire box and dumping it on the table. In about minute he's already moving on to his third.

"Do not eat all of them! I am going to take a shower and then go shopping. Please please please don't..."

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