Gabriel Imagine

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I know the title ain't creative at all in any way, but I'm tired and I can't think of anything at the moment. Sorry. Hope you enjoy the imagine anyways!

"Dean!" You whine and stomp your foot childishly.

"Dean!" He imitates in a high-pitched voice. Sam snorts but the smile leaves his face when you turn around to glare at him.

"I want to go on this hunt!"

"Well you can't go on a hunt unless you have backup."

"Why don't one of you come with me?"

"We have our own case."

"What about Cas?"

"Cas is coming with us."

"That's not fair!"

You follow him into the kitchen where he grabs another beer.

"Life's not fair, sweetheart."

Your cheeks glow red with rage.

"Look, you find backup, or you stay here."

"There isn't anyone else!" You sputter.

"Well, you could always call-"

"Don't even say his name!"

Your cheeks get redder if that's possible, but not because you're mad.

"Why not, (Y/n)?"

"B-because... I just don't like him."

"You were singing a different tune last night."

Last night you had gotten a bit tipsy and let it slip that that you liked Gabriel a little... Or a lot.

"Y-yeah, well..."

Dean looks at you for a moment, waiting for you to say something, and turns away when you don't.

"Your choice. Either you call Gabriel, or you don't go on the hunt. We're out. We should be back in a day or two."

"But Dean-"

The door shuts behind him and you sigh in defeat.

"Alright fine, I give up. Gabriel, there's this hunt I wanna go on, but Dean said I have to have backup. So... Could you maybe... Come with me? If you want. I don't really care. Y'know what, never mind."

You turn to go to your room to take a nap and nearly jump ten feet in the air.


"I didn't think you were coming," you answer, your cheeks hot.

"Are you kidding? I don't wanna risk you going on that hunt alone and getting hurt."

"Yeah, right. You probably just wanna tag along so you can annoy me the whole time."

"Maybe it's a little bit of both," he winks.

You push past him to grab a duffel bag and fill it with a few outfits and pajamas and other necessities. You grab another outfit and start to head to the bathroom.

"Where are you going?"

"To the bathroom? To change?"

You hold up the clothes with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, right. I knew that. I'll just go wait in the car."

You roll your eyes and enter the bathroom to change. You change into basically what you normally wear except you add a pair of gloves. The temperature is dropping as winter nears. Your combat boots clomp on the floor. You shut the motel door behind you and lock it.

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