Y/n in Oz

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You - Dorothy
Sam - Toto
Dean - Scarecrow
Cas - Tin Man
Gabriel - Cowardly Lion
Crowley - Wicked Witch of the West (lmao)
Charlie - Glenda, Witch of the North
Dark Charlie - Wicked Witch of the East (irrelevant)
Chuck - The Wizard of Oz

You drop down in your bed, dizziness blurring your visions.

"What did you do?"

You don't receive an answer from the archangel as you put your hand to your head, trying to stop the spinning.

"I said..."

You fall back into your pillow and pass out before you can say anything else.

Everything was black, but at the same time, you felt like you could see things moving past you. Your hair blew up in front of your face. Nausea blooms in your stomach and you want to move or do something but you just fall and fall and fall...

When you wake up, you're in a room similar to the motel room you fell asleep in, but different. You shake your head to try and clear it and then startle when you see Sam on the bed next to you.

"Sam, wake up!"

You shake his shoulder violently until his eyes begin to flutter.

"(Y/n)?" He groggily sits up, using your shoulder for support. "What's going on?"

You look down to find yourself wearing a blue dress. Reaching up to your head, you find your hair in pigtails. Looking at Sam, you notice he's in just about the same clothes he always is except he now has small dog ears.


You grab the picnic basket from the bedside table and go to open the door. Your mouth opens in awe and surprise at what you see.

"Sam..." Both of you step outside now. "I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore."

A noise causes you to turn around and you spot a large bubble floating closer. You back up out of its way, as does Sam.

"Okay, now I know we aren't in Kansas."

The bubble bursts and a figure begins to take form. You don't realize you were holding your breath until you let it out. But then you suck in air again.

"Oh, hey." She messes with a strand of her hair. "So are you like, a good witch or a bad witch?"

You take a moment to answer, but you finally force a response out of your mouth.

"Who, me? I'm not a witch. I'm (Y/n)!"

She doesn't pause.

"Oh, so is that the witch?" She asks, pointing to Sam.

"Well, no! That's my friend, Sam!"

"Well, the munchkins called me here saying a new witch dropped a house on the Wicked Witch of the East. And here's the house. And here you are. And that's all that's left of the Wicked Witch of the East. So the munchkins want to know if you're a good witch, or a bad witch."

"Well, neither! I'm not a witch, I just told you! Witches are old and ugly!"

The words slip out of your mouth unchecked and Sam elbows you. Laughter spills out behind you and you turn your head.

"What was that?"

"The munchkins laughing. You see, I'm kind of a witch."

She shrugs and messes with the wand in her hand.

"Well, I never really see beautiful witches."

"Aw, thanks."

She blushes at the subtle compliment.

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