Nightmares - Gabriel x Reader

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Yo! Once again, this prompt isn't mine, I found it on tumblr. This is a sequel to an imagine I wrote before. It's called "Gabriel". I know, I just wrote a Gabriel imagine but I figured it's probably about time I made a sequel to it, so here you go.

You shoot up in bed, tears slipping down your face. You had just had another dream of Gabriel dying. Sometimes it's different, but he usually dies the same way. At the hands of Lucifer, his own brother.

This has been happening for a long time, but you can't say why. You emerge out of your bedroom and into the hallway. The hard floor creaks underneath your weight as you pad to Gabriel's bedroom. He doesn't really have to sleep, and even if he did, you aren't quite sure why he has his own bedroom. But you push this out of your mind as you throw the door open.

"(Y/n)?" He asks, watching as you click the door shut and walk over to his bed. In the weak light filtering through the window, he sees the tear stains on your face. "Another nightmare?"

You nod and sniff.

"Come here."

You gladly get under the covers with him and let him hold you.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

You ponder this for a second before answering.

"You died. He killed you."

"Who did?"


You whisper the name, your voice raspy. He lets out a quiet laugh.

"Him? That won't happen. Besides, he's in the cage, remember?"

You sigh in response, finally calming down.

"Look at me."

You do so, meeting his eyes.

"I'm never going to leave you, ever. Okay?"

You nod after a minute and, satisfied, he pulls you into him.

"Night, (Y/n)."


The next morning, you wake up feeling better. But that night, you have the dream again. You have it again, the next night, and the next night, and the next. One night, you just can't take it anymore. Your face is red. You're sweaty and hot. Gabriel has to hold back your hair for you while you throw up. Finally, he pulls you aside to talk.

"Why don't we try something else?"

For the next week, you sleep with him every night, and the nightmares don't bother you anymore. You get a good night's sleep in his arms.

One night, you lay in bed together, staring at the ceiling.



"You won't ever leave me, will you?"


"And you love me?"

"With all my heart."

You turn in bed to look at him.

"I love you, too."

Your eyes shoot open, your body shaking. Your hair is drenched in cold sweat and hot tears.


You sit up, feeling the bed around you.


You turn to look at the space next to only to find that no one is there. The emptiness tears your heart in half.


You push the covers off the bed violently, more tears slipping down your face.


Your voice rises in volume as you look around your room frantically, crying even harder.

"He was here!"

The door opens and three figures stand in the doorway.


You bump into something and it crashes to the floor, shattering into pieces.


You ignore them, still looking around your room.

"I saw him, he was here!"

The walls seem to close in on you.

There isn't enough space. There are too many people.

Your breathing grows heavier. Arms wrap around your waist and pull you into the bed.

"(Y/n), calm down!"

You shake but don't make any move to get up, so Dean continues holding you.

"He said he wouldn't leave. He said he wouldn't."

"I know, sweetheart. I know."

He holds your body close to him and rocks a little, trying to calm you.

"I saw him. He was here."

Cas sits down next to you and Dean.

"Gabriel is dead."

"No, I saw him!" You shout, voice hoarse.

"(Y/n), he is gone."


You shake with renewed sobs.

Taking in Cas' words finally, you push away from Dean.

"You killed him! It's your fault!! You're the one who told him to stand up to his brother, you convinced him to help us, and when he was about to die, you just stood there! And you knew, YOU KNEW! I loved him, and he's gone, and it's your fault!" You scream, pulling away and trying to run out of your room. When that doesn't work, you start hitting them anywhere you can, but mostly on the chest. "It's your fault! He's gone! I pray for him every night and he doesn't answer, because he's dead! And he won't ever answer my prayers again and I'll never see him again because of you!"

Sam puts your arms to your sides and wraps you in his arms.

"Don't touch me! Murderers! You killed him!"

You shake violently, trying and failing to yank yourself away from them.

They sit there, tears pricking at their eyes as your wails echo into the night.

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