Preferences (How You Met)

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Alright so Imma do preferences just cause I can. They'll be easier and I'll update more so yeah. If there is anything you want written, just request in the comments. Whether it be a one-shot request or a preference request.

You sit at the bar, drinking. You had a rough hunt, and you weren't able to save a few people. A guy walks up to you.

"Hey, beautiful. Rough day?" He asks. You look up at him.

"You could say that."

He sits down next to you. You shift uncomfortably.

"I should be going," you mumble, slamming a few dollar bills on the counter and starting to walk away.

"Where you goin'?"

The guy steps in front of you.

"None of your business."

You walk around him, brushing past a man with beautiful green eyes and a man with long brown hair. The green-eyed man watches as you walk out and notices the other guy following you. He steps outside.

The air bites at your nose as you walk down the sidewalk. You shiver and rub your hands together. After a moment, you realize you're being followed. You can feel breath on your neck.

"Don't move."

You quickly turn around and kick him right in the royal jewels. His mouth opens and you deliver a punch to the face, knocking out a few of his teeth. You see the man with green eyes watching in surprise and you wink at him.

You finish beating the shit out of the other guy and let him go with a warning.

"Next time, I'll kill you!" You laugh as he runs off.

"Damn, that was badass."

"I know," you smirk.

"The name's Dean. And you?"



"Mind telling me where they are, darling?"

You stick your tongue out at him.

"I could cut that out of your mouth if you'd like."

You stick your tongue back in your mouth quickly.

"I told you, I don't know anything. I don't know anything about any of this. What even are you?" You lie through your teeth.

"You know very well who and what I am."

"Do not," you reply, acting like a five year old. He leans into your face.

"Where are the Winchesters." You spit blood in his face angrily. He looks slightly surprised but then chuckles. "You really should mind your manners."

He plunges the knife he is holding into your thigh, causing you to let out a loud scream. He twists it around a bit with a smile and then finally pulls it out. After catching your breath, you decide to go a different route.

"Please, I don't know anything," you beg, making your voice sound scared. He doesn't answer. He grabs another utensil from the table next to you, causing you to actually become scared.

"Okay, really, I don't know anything p-please." You start hyperventilating. "I p-promise, please just don't hurt me, I'll do anything," you whimper.

"Tell me where they are."

"I don't know!"

You let out another scream as he plunges the sharp utensil into your other thigh.

"I don't know anything!" You yell, letting out a mangled sob. "Please, just don't hurt me, no more, please Crowley."

Your eyes widen as you realize your mistake.

"I thought you didn't know who I was," Crowley replies.

"I- I don't," you mutter.

"One of my demons saw you and the Winchesters in the same town at the same exact time. Tell me that doesn't look just a bit suspicious," he growls.

"I didn't know they were there! I didn't even talk to them!"

Just then the door slams open.


"Hallo, Moose." He looks toward Dean. "Squirrel."

"Let her go."

"I'm afraid I can't do that."

"Help me."

Crowley turns toward and you and makes a motion wth his hand. Your throat closes up, you can't breathe. There is pain everywhere.

"Did I say you could speak?" The only answer he gets form you is the sound of you choking and gasping for air. "That's what I thought."

He turns back around and you can breathe again. You take deep breaths but decide it's wise not to talk anymore. You look at the Winchester with long hair. It's true you were in the same town as the Winchesters, and you were on the same case. However, you didn't talk to them and you just left, letting them take the case.

You are snapped out of your thoughts when you are let out of your bounds. You rub your wrists and look up.

"Hey, it's okay. My name is Sam, that's my brother Dean. We're gonna help you."


You've been hunting with the Winchesters for a while now. Ever since they helped you with that werewolf case. One day, you are sitting in the motel room, waiting for the boys to get back. They left to get some food, and you agreed to stay back.

You go into the bathroom to wash your face. The cold water splashes into your hands and you bend down to rub it on your face. When you stand back up, you scream and turn around.

"Where is Dean?"

"Not here, why? What are you?" You back up into the wall.

"Castiel, angel of the lord."

You let out a breath of relief.

"Geez, I thought you were something else. You can't scare people like that Cas."

You push past him and sit down on one of the beds.


He follows you.

"Yeah, that's what Dean calls you."

He nods thoughtfully.

"So who are you?"

"(Y/n)," you smile.

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