Preferences (He Teaches You How to Hunt)

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So for this, I'm going to do he teaches you how to hunt, and then I'll do another one where he finds out you're a hunter. I didn't know which you guys would prefer so I'm doing both.


You run around the bunker in search of Dean and find him practicing his shooting.

"Hey Dean, what's up?"

He finishes a round.


You continue to watch him shoot for a while.

"I have something to ask you."

"Shoot," he chuckles to himself as he shoots another round.

"What do you and Sam do that you're gone so long? And where do you get all these weapons? Is it even legal to have all of these? And what's up with Cas? He just seems to disappear, and he doesn't seem to understand basic human language? Like he takes metaphors and things way too seriously, and he's monotone all the time, and this one time I saw him with this long, weird looking silver blade, and-"

Dean sighs and sets down the gun.

"I... Alright. I'm only telling you this because I can't think of an excuse. Don't freak out, just listen."

Your eyebrows raise up a little in surprise. Dean doesn't ever act like this. At least not around you.

"Basically, monsters are real."

You burst out laughing. After looking at Dean's face, your laughter dies down.

"You're not serious, are you?"

"Afraid so."

Dean wouldn't lie to me, would he?

"Monsters? Like vampires, ghosts, werewolves?"

"And more."

"More? Like what?"

"Angels, demons, uh... We killed the last Phoenix a while back so you won't have to worry about those... Shape shifters, skinwalkers-"

"Holy shit. That's what you do? You kill them?"

"Yeah, for the most part."

"Wait, you kill Angels? But they're supposed to be good!"

"Yeah well, Angels are dicks."

You look at the stone floor and then back up.

"What is Cas?"

"He's an angel, too. He's cool though, I mean, he's messed up his fair share of times, but he was only doing what he thought was right," Dean says defensively. It takes you a moment to register all this information, but once you do, you have no doubt in your mind that you want to help.

"I want to help."

"No way. You're lucky I even told you."

"C'mon Dean, you're not the boss of me. I'll figure out a way to hunt somehow. You might as well help me with it so I don't mess up. Besides, I can handle myself. Remember when I beat the shit out of that guy at the bar?"

"Yeah, but that was a human. We're talking about monsters and demons, things that can do way worse things than any old human can."

"Dean, if you don't help me with this, I'll do it myself or find someone who will," you reply stubbornly.

"Fine. We start now. Let's see how well you can shoot."

"You got it boss."

You take the gun cockily and fix your stance so that it's just right.

"Look what I can do!"

You close both of your eyes and shoot once, twice, three times. Each bullet lands directly in the heart. Dean looks impressed for a moment but quickly rearranges his face to look more gruff.


After shooting, he helps you with hand-to-hand combat. At first you barely hit him since you don't want to hurt him, but after a few taunts you kick his legs from beneath him and he falls down.


You work on stance and how to properly form a fist. You also do lots of running and just tons of exercise in general. Near the end of the day, you collapse onto the couch in a heap of sweaty limbs.

"I hope you're ready because tomorrow we're waking up at the ass crack of dawn and we're gonna work even harder."

You groan but smile a little. Even if physical work was never really your favorite thing, you're proud of yourself and you smile even more when you realize that Dean is too.

At first when you started asking questions, Sam would mumble an excuse and get out of whatever room you two were in. But finally you cornered him and he told you everything.

Not quite believing it at first, you stormed away and didn't talk to him for the next two days. But after doing some thinking and snooping around, you realized he wasn't lying and apologized. Afterwards, he taught you all the good websites to go and how to find cases.

When you started asking Cas questions, he only hesitated for a moment before outright telling you everything. He took you to the library in the bunker and let you cuddle while reading lore about all the monsters you would be fighting by his side.

I can't really do this for Gabriel and Crowley because of the circumstances in which you met, where they both already knew you were a hunter, which also means I can't do the next one for them either. Hope you liked this one!

Stay Awesome ~ NeedsMoreMisha

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