Preferences (Christmas Surprise)

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"Dean?" You ask, hiding a small box behind your back. It holds a chain necklace. Nothing fancy, but still meaningful. You are met with silence as you enter the room you share.

"Dean?" You ask again, nearing the bed. A lump is under the blanket.

That must be him.

You tiptoe forward and pull back the blanket only to find several pillows.

"Then where-"


You scream and throw the gift in the air.

You turn around to see your boyfriend. He's holding the box in hand and in the other is a crudely wrapped box.

"You scared the shit out of me you ass!" You laugh.

"I know."

He studies the gift in his hand.

"This for me?"

"Mhmm," you nod, a small blush appearing on your face.

"Well that's good cause I got you something, too."

He hands you the parcel and you smile.

You both open your gifts at the same time. Yours is a small silver bracelet. A heart is hanging off of it with his name on it. He holds up his arm and another bracelet is on his wrist. The heart hanging from his bracelet has your name on it.

"Awww! I love it!"

He looks down at his gift and smiles.

"This is great. Thanks, sweetheart."

He leans over and kisses your cheek.

"Merry Christmas."


"JESUS FUCKING SHIT CHRIST!" Sam screams and collapses on the ground. You had jumped onto his back.

"Sammy, I have a surprise for you!"

"Of course you do," he smiles. You get off of him so he can stand up.

"This way!"

You lead him to the table where a small gift is sitting.

"Open it!"

When he opens it a head band with moose antlers falls out.

"Really (Y/n)?"

You smile hopefully and he grudgingly puts it on, which makes your eyes light up with joy.

Another flannel shirt also falls out of the package.

"Awesome. Thanks, babe."

You wiggle your eyebrows at him.

"Oh right! I got you something also."

He pulls out a package that was the same size as yours. You open it curiously. A headband with moose antlers falls out and you smile.

"We got each other the same thing."

You put it on. Next, a flannel falls out. You unfold to find it several sizes too big. You raise an eyebrow.

"I figured you liked wearing my flannels so much so I decided to give you one of mine."

"I hope you know I'll still be stealing your shirts."

"I figured."

"Merry Christmas, Sammy."

"You too."

"Cassie!! I got you something!"

The fluttering of wings sounds from behind you.

"You got me something?"

"Of course, it's Christmas!"

You hand him a jar with a little bow on it.

"It's honey!"

"Yep. I went out to get you something and then I remembered one day earlier in the summer and I remembered me and you walking in the park when we saw all these bees. You seemed to really like them."

"I do like bees. Thank you so much."

"Anything for my angel."

Castiel looks up at you thoughtfully.


He puts two fingers to your forehead and suddenly you are back at that park. Butterflies and bees fly around lazily. Bunnies hop in the tall grass and birds fly through the blue sky.

"This is great!" You smile happily.

"I thought you might like it."

"Merry Christmas, Cas."

"Merry Christmas to you too (Y/n)."

Whenever Crowley dropped in it tended to be a surprise. So when Crowley did pop up, you weren't surprised that you were surprised. (Geez, that sounded redundant). He took you out for a nice dinner and took you back outside the bunker. He couldn't afford to go in, so it looked like this was where he had to leave.

"Before I go, I have something for you."

He pulls a small box out of seemingly nowhere and hands it to you. Inside is a beautiful blood-red amulet. It's in the shape of a bleeding heart.

"I love it."

You let him put it on and admire it in the fading light.

"Merry Christmas, darling."

You cautiously push back the covers and get out of your bed. The sound of bells jingling sounds from somewhere outside your room. You crack the door open and pad through the bunker, frying pan in hand. The rustling of clothes carries back to your ears. There is definitely someone here. You peek around the corner to see someone dressed in a Santa suit with a large brown sack. You hold up the frying pan, ready to strike. The figure turns towards you.

"Ho ho ho-LY SHIT!"

You slam the frying pan into his head with incredible force.


It vibrates in your hand and you drop it on the ground. The figure pulls the fake beard off his face and rubs his head.

"Do you greet all your friends like that? Geez!"

Your mouth forms an 'o' of surprise.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry!"

You pull the Santa hat off his head and inspect it carefully.

"Did I hurt you a lot? Are you okay? Do you need ice? I'm so sorry-"


You look up at him questioningly.

"I'm fine! Really!"

He snaps himself back into his normal clothing.

"Alright, now that you are done violently attacking me..."

"I didn't mean to!"

"I know sweetheart, I'm kidding! Here, I got you something."

He lifts up a large gift box and slides it towards you.

"You didn't have to get me anything!"

You pull the lid off and nearly scream.

"You got me a puppy!!!"

You pull the dog out and set it on your lap. You run your hand through its fur with a smile.

"You are the best boyfriend ever!"

You lean over and kiss him on the cheek.

"I know."

He surprised you by taking you to a skating rink. You had never been ice skating before and kept slipping and falling. But after a while, he helped you get the hang of it and you spent the rest of the day skating together.

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