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I know it's not quite Halloween yet but I don't know when I'll be able to post again so I'm posting my Halloween imagine early. Happy early Halloween!
Also, this won't really make sense because most of these characters weren't really alive at the same time or whatever, but I just really wanted to include them so here we go.

"It's Halloween!" You shout happily. Dean gives you a bitchface as you shake him awake.

"Get up, we have to get your costume!"

"Costume for what?" Dean asks groggily, pushing back the covers.

"The costume party, duh! Everyone is coming and everyone is wearing a costume!"

Dean shakes his head at you as you run out of his room and into Sam's.

"Sammy, you better get your ass up, we are going costume shopping!"

"I'm tired," he groans, pushing you off of him.

"Okay," you get off of his bed and when you're sure he's fallen back asleep you stand up on his bed.

"Wake up!" You yell and start jumping up and down on his bed.

"Get up, get up, get your ass out of bed!" You yell.

"Fine, fine!" Sam shouts trying to sound angry but ends up laughing. You smile and walk into the dining area where a shirtless Dean and a confused Cas are sitting at the table.

"What's his about costumes?" Cas asks, tilting his head.

"Alright so on Halloween it's a tradition to dress up. Kids go around trick-or-treating and people hand out free candy! And the adults get to have parties and that's what we're doing tonight! Everyone is coming. Garth, Bobby, Kevin, Charlie, Balthazar, Gabe, Crowley..." You list off all the people you contacted to attend your little get-together.

"Whoa, Crowley and Gabriel aren't coming. And neither is Balthazar."

"Why not?" You whine and stomp your foot.

"You're being immature."

"No, you are! And besides. I already invited them. They're coming whether you like it or not. What, are you scared Gabe is gonna flirt with your little brother?"

Dean's face goes red.

"Actually, I'm pretty sure he has a thing for you..." he mumbles.

"Alright, I'm ready to go," Sam says as he joins you at the table.

"I think you need to put on a shirt before we can go out in public, Dean. Although you do look very nice. I mean..." Cas trails off with a blush dusting his cheeks. You giggle as Dean's face turns more red still and he goes back to his room to put on a shirt.


"Alright. I already know what Sam is dressing up as," you announce, leading the boys to the back of the Halloween store.

"You do?" Sam asks, eyeing a plastic clown decoration as you pass by it.


You grab a onesie in a plastic bag off of a shelf.


You smile and hand it to him.

"Go try it on!"

He rolls his eyes but walks away to find a dressing room anyways.

"Okay Dean, I have a good one for you as well."

You lead Dean to the superhero section and throw a Batman costume at him.

"Go try that on while I find something for Cas to wear."

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