Impossible Year - Sam x Reader

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K last Panic! song, I promise. I'm actually trying to push these all out before I get to bed cause tomorrow I have to finish a project for school that's due on Monday. :p

Impossible Year by Panic!atthedisco

There's no sunshine
This impossible year
Only black days and sky grey
And clouds full of fear
And storms full of sorrow
That won't disappear
Just typhoons and monsoons
This impossible year

You crouch on the ground next to your dying boyfriend, pushing strands of hair out of is beautiful face. His pupils are huge because of the darkness, and he's trying to take in as much light as he can since this is the last time he'll ever see you.


Your voice breaks and your hands tremble as tears spill down your cheeks and onto his chest which is already wet with blood.

It was supposed to be quick, in and out. But now Sam is dying on the floor and you're crouching over his chest, sobbing as the life slowly leaves his eyes. Dean isn't here because you and Sam decided to go this hunt alone, and you know Dean will be mad at you, you might as well already be packing your bags and leaving forever. And all the while what is he doing? Comforting you.

"It'll be okay," he says. "You'll be alright."

"No, I won't be!"

Your voice cracks again and you grip his large hand in your two small ones. They're sort of rough, but so gentle. The thought sends more tears down your face.

There's no good times
This impossible year
Just a beachfront of bad blood
And a coast that's unclear
All the guests at the party
They're so insincere
They just intrude and exclude
This impossible year

Sam's eyes flutter for a moment and you cry out.

"Stay with me, Sammy. Hang in there, I'll call Cas."

"No, don't." He holds your wrist. "It's too late."

"Sam, no. Cas can fix you."

"Just, stop."

He grips your wrist tighter.

There's no you and me
This impossible year
Only heartache and heartbreak
And gin made of tears
The bitter pill I swallow
The scars souvenir
That tattoo, your last bruise
This impossible year

Despite Sam's protest, you shoot a quick prayer towards Cas and hope for the best. Sam smiles weakly up at you.

"It's time."

"I don't want to let go. I finally have something and it's being taken from me. Everything..."

"Everything will be okay."

You gulp in air, watching as Sam's life slips away.

There's never air to breathe
There's never in-betweens
These nightmares always hang on
past the dream

"Sam? Sam!"

You smack his face a few times, hardly believing it.

"Damnit Sam, wake up!"

He still doesn't answer, and his head rolls sideways, laying against the cold, blood-stained cement floor. His eyelids are closed. You check for a pulse, eyes darting around his body and face frantically.


His body is getting colder, and hysteric sobs escape your mouth.

"Sammy, open your eyes!"

You move his jacket out of the way, unbuttoning his flannel and stripping him to just his bare chest. The bullet is so far in you can't see it and claw marks surround it.


You pump your hands on his chest. When you look at your hands, they're covered in your boyfriend's slick blood.

Suddenly, there's a hand on your shoulder, and it's Cas. But instead of a sympathetic look, he wears a blaming expression, something that only makes you cry harder. His expression softens but only by a fraction as he flies you and Sam's unmoving body to the bunker.

There's no sunshine
There's no you and me
There's no good times
This impossible year

Writing this actually made me sad. And it doesn't help that Brendon has a beautiful voice and that the words are beautiful and tragic and sad all in one and it just makes me wanna cry. I'm actually thinking about maybe a part two.

Stay Awesome ~ NeedsMoreMisha

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