That's a Fact - Destiel

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Hello! I've been meaning to write this for a while but I couldn't decide if this should be Destiel or xReader or what. Now I'm actually thinking about making it Sabriel. Ugh...

Later note: I've decided to make it Destiel. Hope you enjoy! 💛

Dean and Castiel sit together in a run-down motel room, watching tv. Cas had flipped it to the animal channel and Dean had been too lazy to change it. Cas looks at the tv with interest but Dean's attention is anywhere but the tv. First, he stares at the floor until the pattern is burned into his retinas for a good 10 seconds. Next, his eyes travel to the window, which has several cracks in it.

His gaze roves around and finally lands on the angel's face. The light from the tv is reflecting off of his eyes, which makes them look even prettier than normal. A blush appears on Dean's cheeks at the thought and he turns his head to look at the screen once again.

"When a male penguin falls in love with a female penguin, he searches the entire beach for the perfect pebble to give to her," Cas says, startling Dean out of his thoughts.


Cas gestures at the TV as a penguin gives a small, perfectly rounded stone to another penguin.

"I thought it was kind of sweet."

A few hours later, they sit in a diner, Sam now with them. A waitress walks closer to the table.

"Hello, my name is Patricia! Could I take your order today?" She asks, way too cheerfully. Dean offers a small smile and orders quickly. She turns to Cas expectantly but he shakes his head.

"Nothing for me, please. I find eating to be mostly unpleasant."

She frowns at this but turns to Sam. A flirtatious smile appears on her lips.

"What would you like today, sir?"

Her blue eyes dance with something Cas can't quite identify. Dean smiles and holds in a chuckle as his brother shifts uncomfortably in his seat.

"Uh, just a salad. Please," he adds. Her smile grows even wider.

"I'll be right back with your food."

Dean barely contains his laughter as Sam wrinkles his nose in slight disgust.

Castiel looks at Dean's smile and smiles too.

"Did you know, smiling boosts your immune system."

Dean's eyes meet Cas' and his smile grows.

Sam and Dean sit in creaky motel beds, researching for a nearby case. The radio blares some kind of unidentifiable song before settling on Heat of the Moment by Asia. Sam smashes the button until the radio turns off.

"Hey, what's wrong with Asia?"

"Nothing. I'm just not in the mood," Sam replies, quickly looking back down at his book. Dean rolls his eyes and finishes the last of his beer.

A tickling feeling starts in his nose and a second later, he sneezes loudly, startling Sam. Another second passes and Cas appears, startling Sam even further.

"Bless you, Dean."

"Thanks, Cas," he answers. Sam looks between the two before glancing back down at his book.

"If you were wondering, people say 'bless you' when you sneeze because your heart stops for a millisecond."

Dean sniffs as his green eyes meet Cas' blue ones.


Dean and Cas sit on a bench, watching children throwing pebbles at each other, taking turns on the swings, or playing with toys. The breeze blows through the grass and the leaves on the trees. Bees bumble around, landing on a flower here and there before circling back around.

Dean hums an unknown tune to himself and taps his finger on the bench. Cas' eyes follow the bees around the grassy area.

"Honeybees navigate by using the sun as a compass."

Dean glances up at the sun and then back at Cas.

"You are just full of facts, aren't you?"

"I am. Bees have two stomachs, one for eating and another for storing nectar. When you blush, the lining of your stomach also turns red. Dolphins can recognize their reflections in the mirror and will even admire themselves."

Dean sits forward impatiently.

"Yeah, well I have a fact for you."

Almost without realizing it, he leans forward and kisses Cas, breaking away a minute after.

"I.... I love you, Cas. That's a fact."

Cas smiles, pink dusting his cheeks.

"I love you too, Dean. And that's a fact."

I just gathered a bunch of useless facts and decided to share them with all of you.

More useless facts for you:

When a honeybee stings you, it cannot pull the barbed stinger back out. It leaves behind not only its stinger but also part of its abdomen and digestive tract.

When a person cries and the first tear comes from the right eye, it's from happiness. When the first tear comes from the left, it's from pain or sadness.

Brown eyes are blue underneath, and you can actually have surgeries to turn brown eyes blue.

Pineapples are large berries.

Women blink twice as much as men.

So there you go. Useless facts you can share with everyone!

Stay Awesome ~ NeedsMoreMisha

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