Huggles - Crowley x Reader

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Ok I can't take it anymore. Crowley SERIOUSLY needs a hug. Like if I could hug him, I fucking would. He kinda got a hug in the most recent episode (I'm writing this on the 12th of March, so the most recent episode rn is the one with Luci's hellhound), but that barely counts although I legit screamed when it happened. So here I am, writing this.

Sneakiness isn't one of your best talents, but this time you're really trying, and perhaps that why Sam doesn't notice you until it's too late.


You jump on his back, but he stays steady under your sudden added weight.

"Morning, Sammy."

"Hey, (Y/n)," he replies nonchalantly as he continues making coffee. You peek over his shoulder to watch but when you get tired of that you nuzzle the side of his neck. His slightly damp hair tells you he must have just taken a shower.

"Your hair smells good."

He hums in response and you slide down from his back to go in search of Dean.

You pad down the hallway to his bedroom and when you open the door, discover he's still sleeping.

"Yes!" You whisper to yourself, sneaking over to his bed.

He is laying on his stomach, which makes him the perfect target. But just before you are about to hug him, he turns over onto his back and grabs your shoulders, pulling you down into bed next to him.

"Not this time."

You smile innocently.

"What are you talking about? I was just going to tell you we've got a case."

Partially true. You did come to tell him about a case.

"That's it, huh? C'mere."

"No!" You laugh before he has you wrapped in a hug you can't escape from. "Stop!"

"You wanted a hug, well, here it is."

"It wasn't supposed to end like this!" You gasp dramatically, pretending to die in his arms. This does nothing to loosen his grip, but you can feel his chest rumbling with a light-hearted laugh before he lets go of you.

"Alright, I'm getting up."

You leave his room and find Sam outside the door.

"Hey, I was just going to come get you. Cas is here. Thought you might wanna know."

The smile on your face grows. Tackling Cas in a hug is one of your favorite past times. You love the startled face he makes every time. What a cutie.

You run into the library, and rather than trying to be quiet, you straight up jump into his arms.

"Cassie! You working a case with us?"

"Yes," he says, staggering a bit. You let go only after he clears his throat awkwardly.

"Sweet. Now we're only missing one other person."



"Nope," Dean says offhandedly as he walks in.

"Why not?"

"Because I said so."

"That's not a reason! And besides, what have you got against him? You know he's saved all of our asses on multiple occasions, right? He likes us!"

The boys look uncomfortable.

"I know what it is. You like him, too, you just don't wanna admit it."

Still, they don't answer.

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