Y/n in Oz P.4

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Walking into the huge hallway, you almost can't believe it isn't real. Everything is green. Literally. The floor, the walls, the ceiling, and everything in between.

"Wow, it's great," you say sarcastically, already hurrying down the hallway.

"You could say that again."

The hallway is so long, it takes actual minutes to get all the way down it. By the time you get to the huge double doors, you're even more pissed.

"Hey! Anyone in there?" You yell, banging on the door.

The doors open themselves as you expected they would, and you all walk in together, staring ahead at all the smoke and fire shooting up before you. Dean looks at the fire apprehensively, and you know why seeing as he's the scarecrow.

"Why are you here?" A loud voice asks, shaking the room a little.

"Well, we've come all this way and we'd all like something, not much."

"I'm listening."

You sigh, holding back a sharp reply.

"I'd like a brain," Dean speaks up, moving closer to you.

"I'd like a heart," Cas says, also stepping closer to you.

"I'd like some courage," Gabriel adds, looking considerably unhappy.

"And I'd like to go home," you finish, looking at the giant face before you expectantly.

"And why should I give you all those things?" He asks.

You consider answering with some colorful vocabulary, but instead you say, "We'll do anything."

The face considers that for a moment, looking away.

"Well, there is one thing. I want you to get rid of the Wicked Witch of the West. Only then will I grant your wishes. Bring back her broom as proof."

There's no point in arguing, you know, but you put up a half-hearted fight anyways.

"But that's nearly impossible."

"Well, it's that or you're stuck here forever. Good day to you all, and get out!"

Rolling your eyes, you grab Sam's hand and your group walks back out of the castle.

"Alright gang, we've gotta go beat the Wicked Witch if we're gonna get what we want, so let's get moving." When no one argues, you smile. "Good. If we leave now, we should make it by nightfall."


Not long later, you're trekking through yet another spooky forest, the only difference being that this one is a bit creepier. You almost forget why you're here in the first place as you and your friends trudge through the dead leaves and mud. The only sound you can hear is the ragged breathing of you and your companions and the occasional rustle of leaves.

"I hope this won't take much longer," you huff, stepping over a small tree that had fallen in the path.

"Agreed," replies Sam, untangling his long hair from a tree branch.

"Hey, don't even worry about it. I bet we're almost there," Dean says, obviously trying to be optimistic.

"I sense there are creatures nearing us," Cas says suddenly.

Just as you're about to reply, a shriek sounds from far off in the distance.

"Shit," you curse under your breath, looking to the sky. You had completely forgotten about the monkeys. The shrieking gets closer and you begin to panic, but there's nowhere to hide without getting horribly scratched up or otherwise hurt.

"Run! She only wants me. If you leave now, you won't get hurt," you shout desperately, pushing Dean and Cas back the way you came.

"What? Why would we do that? We're your friends. We will always fight for you, just like you'd fight for us."

"He is correct. Your safety is of extreme import."

You'd like to argue with them more, but it's too late.

Monkeys soar down, most of them painstakingly trying to lift Sam in the air. You giggle at their inability to lift him off the ground but your laughter is quickly cut off when you feel yourself being lifted into the air.

"Let go of me, you bastards!"

You continue to shout profanities at them and kick your legs, but neither of those attempts work, and before you know it, your other friends are nothing but dots below you as you fly towards a tall tower in the distance.

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