An Unexpected Day in the Life of Y/n

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GUYSS It's snowing outside and I'm listening to Christmas music and I'm just so happy and holy shit I'm so fucking excited for Christmas it's not even funny 🎅🏼🎅🏼🎅🏼🎅🏼🎄🎄🎄🎄☃☃☃☃🎁🎁🎁🎁🎉🎉🎉🎉 HO HO HO MOTHERDUCKERS

PS, this is a part two to the last chapter.

The next morning, you were shaken awake by Mark.

"Hey, you better see this."

You walked into the dining room to see Jack at the table, eating off-brand Fruit Loops. She nodded at you and looked back down at her book. You picked up the newspaper off the table. It's headline blared out at you as you sat down.


You turned the paper away from Jack's prying eyes. The picture alongside the article was of the family posing together at a park. Or at least, it looks as if the parents were trying to. The youngest child is focused on something behind her. The oldest boy's mouth is open in laughter and the younger boy is sticking his tongue out at him. The mother is trying to look at the camera but an amused smile is on her lips. The father's tie is backwards and his eyes show that he is slightly annoyed but also amused.

These people are extremely familiar to you. They probably wouldn't have been able to recognize you, but you saw them out in town a lot, just enjoying life. They would go out to the park often where Jack would join their children in playing. Tears stung at your eyes but you pushed them back down.

"Thank you, Mark."

He knew you liked to keep up with the news since your parents didn't. You squinted at the smiling woman in the picture. You remembered with a shock why this person seemed familiar. She was friends with that Ashley girl, the one who was murdered the other night. Heat rose up in your cheeks but died away just as quickly. You couldn't bring yourself to be angry with her, even with all the pain she caused. She looked like a different person in this picture. Happy. Nothing like the girl back in high school.

You scanned the article quickly and then threw it away. Looking out the window, you caught a glimpse of a black car sitting outside. It seemed familiar. You walked up to the window and saw the three agents from the day before. The two in the front appeared to be too busy arguing to notice you, but the one in the back squinted at you. You squinted back and shut the curtains. You then went around the house locking all the doors and windows.


You tucked Jack in her bed, kissing her on the forehead.

"Are you leaving?"

You sighed and brushed your hair away from your face.

"Yes, but I'll be back. Don't worry about me. Night, honey."

You shut off the light and click the door shut.

You hopped on your bike, flashlight in the front basket, small handgun hidden underneath it. You pretended not to notice as the black car turned on and began slowly following you.

You turned randomly a few times, not quite paying attention to where you were going. When you stopped, you realized you were at the house of the family that was murdered. You dropped your bike in their yard after grabbing your flashlight and gun. The wind pushed your hair back. You stared at the sidewalk leading up to the front door, blood smeared on it.

It's so real.

Your eyes burned and you wiped at your face with your sleeve. Turning around, you lifted up your gun and flashlight.

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