School Spirit - Gabriel x Reader

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High school AU!

You don't usually go for sports. But when you're sitting in the bleachers, watching your team play, you can't help but to get into it. Your eyes dart back and forth, following the orange ball as it goes from player to player. Number nine has it, no, now number three has it. The ball was taken by the other team! You groan along with everyone else around you as the other team scores a point.

Finally, it's down to the final ten seconds. If they make this shot, your team will win. Shoes are squeaking on the floor. Students are gearing up, ready to shoot out of their seats. Parents are screaming at their children. Several students have blue and gold streaks under their eyes and jerseys and t-shirts on. Everyone is watching, waiting. Number ten sends the ball across the court and in a beautiful arch, it slips into the basket, winning the game.

Suddenly every person is jumping in the air, screaming, pumping fists. And somehow, you're up there with them, screaming into the noise as the pep band starts playing the school song at an earsplitting volume. The basketball girls are running around the court, and one of the coaches even took their clipboard and snapped it in half.

An arm is suddenly around your shoulder and someone is squeezing you.


And suddenly he's kissing your cheek and you don't know who it is but you're blushing and then you're looking over at him and oh no he's cute. And then he actually looks at you with those amber eyes and you're practically melting because you haven't dated anyone since the fourth grade and that doesn't count.

And then you're smiling at him and he's smiling at you and your lips meet and the kiss tastes like candy and that's how you started dating that pretentious douchebag Gabriel Novak.


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