Are You Okay? - Dean x Reader

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I'm experimenting with this one, so if its bad, I apologize. So yeh... I hope this comes out right.

Your eyes flutter open. It's dark, but you recognize your kitchen. You also recognize the fact that you are most certainly not on the ground. Smashed dishes lay on the ground and puddles of something dark are everywhere.


You move to sit up but that isn't really possible in the position you're in.

"Hey, don't freak out, we're here to-"

He said don't freak out. So what do you do? You freak out.

You flail for a moment and he drops you on the ground. The air is knocked out of your lungs but you still stand up.

"Stay away from me!"

You hold your hands in front of you, as if that would protect you.

"Calm down, we're here to help."

Your eyes finally finish adjusting to the darkness and you study the two men before you. One of them is extremely tall, at least a foot and a half taller than you. He has longish brown hair that reminds you slightly of a moose. The other is not as tall, but by no means is he short. He has striking green eyes that startle you a little. A mark pokes out from his sleeve but you ignore it.

"I don't even know who you are!" You shout, backing towards the counter.

"Alright then, I'm Sam, this is my brother Dean. Introductions have been made, can we go now?"

He doesn't wait for you to finish. Sam grabs your wrist and pulls you outside.

"Wait! Are you guys FBI?"

Sam shoots a glance at Dean.

"You could say that."

Relief flows through your body.

"Great. Is my family safe?"

They stop near a sleek black car.

"Where they are now, yes."

You look around the yard.

"Well, where are they?"

"Somewhere else. You sure do have a lot of questions for a kid."

Your hand flies to your hip.

"Okay, let's get one thing straight. I am most certainly not a kid! In fact, I am a grown adult! And second of all..." Your eyes flick over to the taller one, Sam. "You guys aren't really FBI, are you?"

The night is silent for only a moment before panic kicks back in.

"Who are you then? Are your names even really Sam and Dean?"

"Yes, our names are Sam and Dean. Look, so we're not FBI. We still help people."

You take a step back and your foot crunches in the gravel of the drive-way.

"Would you please just get in the car?"

"No. I'm not going with you. For all I know, you're going to kill me, or worse..." You take another step back. "No, best to stay here."

"Actually, that's really not best. Look, if you don't come with us, you'll die, just like your family."

Your heart drops.

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