Christmas Cookies - Sam x Reader

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Quick note: I got the prompt from somewhere on tumblr, it's not mine.

You frantically open cabinets, looking anywhere and everywhere for the last crucial ingredient in your family's famous Christmas cookies.

"Come on, come on!"

You slam the door shut and yank open the fridge. The fridge shakes but nothing falls.


You shut the door violently and slide down to the floor. You massage your temples.


You look up to see none other than Sam.

"Hey, Sammy," you reply, putting your head back in your hands.

"Are you okay?"

He looks at the ingredients on the counter and then back at you.

"I'm fine. I just wanted to make cookies."

He sits down next to you, snaking his arm around your waist.

"Every year, I make these really special cookies. It's a family recipe. Every Christmas, my family used to make them together. You know, before they..." you trail off and lean your head against his shoulder. "Never mind. I just won't make them this year."

Sam frowns, pulling you closer to him.

You spend the rest of the day moping around and mostly staying in bed. Dean looks at you in concern when you turn down a piece of pie. You walk out, hanging your head sadly.

"What's wrong with her?" Dean asks, shoving a large bite of pie in his mouth.

"She has these cookies she makes every year but she's missing an ingredient."

"They're just cookies," he replies, mouth full.

Sam smacks his brother on the arm.

"They're a family recipe. They used to make these cookies every year before her family got killed by that nest of vamps."

"Oh..." he sobers a little, pushing his empty plate away. "That sucks. You should really cheer up your girlfriend."

He pats the younger Winchester on the arm and walks away, leaving Sam to his thoughts.

"I'll be back!" Sam shouts, shutting the door behind him. He starts up the impala and pulls away from the bunker. The snow slows him down, but he keeps going anyways.

Every store he goes to is closed. No one else is out but himself, which provides a sense of relief for him. The moose trudges through the snow, stopping at every store. The snow comes down even harder, making the search even more difficult. But he keeps going. Finally, he finds an open store and enters quickly. His hair is drenched from the snow and his face is red from the cold.

A little kindly old woman sits behind a small counter, a register resting in front of her.

"Hello, dear. Isn't it cold out today?"


He runs his fingers through his wet hair.

"Do you have anything for baking?"

"Oh, sure thing sweetie. Right down that aisle."

She points at an aisle nearby and Sam nods his head in thanks. He searches through the aisle, trying to find the special ingredient.

"You like baking?" The elderly woman asks from behind the counter.

"Well, it's fine and all. I'm actually getting this for my girlfriend."

"Ah. Lucky girl, to have a guy as dedicated as you. The weather out there is horrible."

He smiles in reply and picks up the last of the ingredient needed for your cookies.

He sets them up there.

"Take them, free of charge."

He opens his mouth to argue but she shakes her head.

"I refuse payment. I own this place anyways. It'll be fine."


He takes it and walks towards the door.

"Thank you!"

A few hours later, Sam finally enters the bunker, his hair messy, face red, and the ingredient clutched in his giant hand.

"(Y/n), I'm home!"

His voice rings through the bunker.


A loud groan sounds from somewhere nearby and you enter the room, rubbing your face.

"What is it, Sammy? I'm busy being sad."

He pulls the ingredient out from behind his back.

"I got a little something for you."

You look at the item in his hand and nearly scream.

"Oh my God! Sam, you didn't!"

"I did."

You wrap your arms around him tightly.

"I love you so much."

He sets down the ingredient and returns the hug.

"I love you, too."

You pull away and look up at him.

"You are crazy! You went out in that weather just to get that for me?"

"I'd do anything for you."

You smile, taking his hand.

"That was really cheesy. Now let's go make those cookies."

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