Forever Yours [P.1] - Castiel x Reader

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You sit on the couch, flipping through channels without paying much attention. Since moving to Sioux Falls, South Dakota, things had been boring. Your limited knowledge of the things that go bump in the night was utterly useless, and it pissed you off. Sure, you wanted to move somewhere and settle down, but you weren't completely ready to give up on the hunt!

A sigh escapes your lips as you continue to mindlessly flick through channels. However, moments a later, a news station catches your attention and you turn up the volume.

"This just in, there appears to have been some sort of strange suicide in small town, Sioux Falls. Police aren't ready to release details, but if I am correct, we have camera men on the scene," the woman's voice blares from the old television set.

You frown, grabbing your laptop from the couch cushion beside you.

A strange suicide? Maybe it's a hunt! Or maybe you just want it to be a hunt...

You groan, debating whether or not you should look into it. You didn't wanna get worked up over nothing, but if this really is a hunt, then you're ready to go.

You blow air out through your nose. Maybe renting out this small house wasn't the best idea. Maybe trying to settle down wasn't the best idea.

After a moment more of debate, you finally open the laptop lid and enter your password. However, before you can even pull up a browser, a loud thunk draws your attention to the window.

You whip your head around to look and immediately regret it. You have to spit multiple strands out of your mouth and you're so caught up in trying to get hair out of your eyes that you don't see a figure hurriedly moving away from your window.

When your vision is clear again, there's nothing there. Huffing in annoyance, you look back to the bright screen and pull up your search engine of choice.

You don't even have time to search for anything before your doorbell rings.

"Oh my god," you groan, leaning into the couch.

People have been stopping by all day long bringing food with them, and as much as you like food, you're really getting tired of all the socializing.

The doorbell rings once again and you force yourself up off the couch.

"I'm coming!"

You open the door, expecting to see a kindly old woman or perhaps a mom and an unenthusiastic daughter, but instead you're surprised to see an extremely tall man, someone who looks like he lifts for a living, except he's wearing a... pizza guy outfit?

"Uh, I didn't order pizza," you stammer, looking him up and down subtly. The uniform looks almost too small and he has one of those pizza delivery bags around his neck.

"Are you sure?"

He looks down at a notepad in his hand, holding a pizza box in the other.

"This is the address they gave me," he says, shoving the notepad in his pocket before you can look at it.

"Oh, well..." you trail off awkwardly, eyes focusing on the car behind him.

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