Thanksgiving Shopping - Castiel x Reader

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K I know it's not going to be Thanksgiving for a while now but I'm writing this rn cause idk when I'll be able to update again.

"Guys, I'm going shopping!" You shout, grabbing your small purse and digging around to see if there is any extra money.

"Hurry back, we have research to do!" Sam yells in response. You sigh exasperatedly.

"We've been researching nonstop for the past few days," you complain to yourself.

"Mind getting some beer while you're out? We're running low."

You roll your eyes at Bobby, your adoptive father.

"Yeah Dad, got it."

Just as you are almost out the door, Dean calls your name.

"What do you want?"

Dean looks at you imploringly.


"Fine. But next time, you can get your own damn pie."

"That's what you say every time," Dean replies with a smirk.

"Well I mean it this time."

"You say that every time too."

You slam the door shut behind you.

"You're still getting my pie, right?" Dean shouts through the door, but it comes out muffled. You chuckle to yourself and turn.

A scream nearly erupts out of your throat as you are met with the striking blue eyes of Castiel.

"Cas, you scared me! How many times have we talked about this?" You say without conviction. It's true, you and Dean have talked to him many times about personal space and not popping up out of nowhere like that, but he continues to do it and every time, you find yourself weakening a little. When you say it now, it doesn't really have any meaning, and he knows it as well.

"My apologies. Where are you going?"

Cas follows you to the impala.

"Shopping," you eanswer simply, sitting in the front seat. Cas opens the passenger side door and slides in next to you.

"You're coming?"

"Of course. I enjoy spending time with you."

You smile and your cheeks glow with embarrassment.

"Thanks, Cas. That's really sweet."

He smiles at you, a slight blush appearing on his own face. You stare at each other. Your eyes search his for anything, looking for any hint that he might like you as more than just friends. You yourself have had a kind of crush on him for quite some time now, and it was the topic of relentless teasing from your brothers.

His eyes search yours as well, looking for some kind of signal. He's had some kind of feelings for you for quite some time as well, he just couldn't quite figure it out at first. For the longest time he just avoided you, not wanting to feel the emotions because he did know what they were or what they meant. But even just thinking about you would send butterflies flying around crazily in his stomach.

So he talked to Dean. Little did he know, you had done the same thing. You had always trusted your big brother. You told him everything. You weren't exactly sure why. It might've been because of when he saved you a few years ago. Actually, that was a big part of it.

Anyways, that was why you trusted Dean with everything, even if he sometimes teased you about it. Cas, not knowing who else to go to, went to Dean. Dean laughed, but explained to Cas what was happening. After figuring it out, both you and Cas told Dean not to tell the other for fear that they didn't feel the same way. Although it was blatantly obvious that both of you were basically in love, neither of you could really see it, despite Dean pointing it out all the time.

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