Y/n in Oz P.2

121 7 0

You and Sam have been walking for what feels like years.

Did it really take Dorothy this long to run into the scarecrow?

Finally, you reach a fork in the road. Er, brick path. This is where the scarecrow comes in.

"What are you looking for?" Sam asks, ear twitching. (His dog ear not his human ear).


You rack your mind for Dorothy's next line.

"Oh, now which way do I go?" You ask loudly, trying to sound confused and distressed.

"You could go that way. Or that way. Or both."

Looking towards the voice, you spot Dean.


You say Dorothy's next line, or something close enough.

"Are you doing that on purpose or can't you make up your mind?"

"Well that's just it. I can't make up my mind. Don't got a brain."

You place a hand on your hip.

"Well if you don't have a brain, then how are you talking?"

"Don't know. But there are people without brains that do an awful lot of talking, right?"

"Well... I guess you are right," you respond, elbowing Sam who is snickering behind you.

"That your dog?"

You glance back at Sam. His ear twitches angrily.

"I'm not a dog, I'm Sam!"

"Woah, easy there Fido."

This only seems to make Sam angrier.

"His name is Sam," you smile, suppressing a laugh. "And I'm (Y/n). You are?"

"Dean. Y'know, you look kinda familiar."

You don't reply and instead ask a question.

"So you want a brain then?"


"Well, I think you've got enough brains, but if you really want to, you can come with us. We're off to see the Wizard."

"Wizard, huh? What if he doesn't grant my wish?"

"Well, you'll be no worse off than you are now."

He considers this a moment.

"Guess you're right."

"C'mon then." You turn to leave when you remember. "Oh, right. Let me help you with that."

You help him out of the field and onto the yellow brick road. He looks just like Dean always does, except for the fact that he has straw everywhere, even in his hair. You resist the urge to fix it and begin walking down the path with Sam and Dean in tow.


What seems like another year later, you reach the apple tree grove. This is the part where Dorothy tries to pick an apple. And actually, you do feel kind of hungry. You quietly step near one of the trees and rip down an apple. The tree smacks your hand, and it hurts more than you anticipated.

"Ow, what the fuck man? I just wanted an apple."

"Well, how would you feel if someone walked up to you and just ripped something off of you?"

Admittedly, you would not be happy, but you decide to forget that detail. Instead, you deliberately reach up and snap off a branch.


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