Lost Memories [P.2]

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At six, your eyes fly open. You're so excited, you end up having half an hour to spare. When they get there, you throw yourself into Dean, laughing.

"I must have been really excited to hang out with you guys because I woke up at six this morning without a problem."

"You don't normally wake up that early?" He asks, hugging you back.

"Well, I used to. I'm not sure why. I guess it just was a habit from who I used to be." You frown, eyes clouding over. "Y'know, before the car accident."

Dean makes an attempt at a smile.

"Car accident. Right. Why don't you take a seat up front? Sammy can sit in the back."

You pull back, glancing at the car.

"Naw, I'll sit in the back. Just feels right."

You hop off the curb and pull open the door, smiling at Cas.

"Hi! What's on the agenda boys?" You ask, buckling your seatbelt.

"We got a couple friends we want you to meet. The drive isn't far."

"Sweet! Turn up the jams!"

You smile as Dean pulls out of your driveway. You don't even wonder how he knew where your house was.

After about an hour of jamming out to classic rock and conversations full of laughs, you arrive in front of a smallish house. Three cars are parked out front, each of them in need of slight repair.

"Hope they like me."

You laugh nervously, rubbing the back of your neck.

"They'll love you. Trust me, they will," Sam replies shakily, getting out of the car.


You shrug, following suit.

The door opens quickly and you're met with a friendly looking woman.

"Oh, hi! My name is-"

"(Y/n), I know. We've been waiting for you. Please come in."

"Oh, okay."

You giggle nervously, entering the house. It's unlike anything you've seen before. Weird symbols here and there, things you don't know the meaning of, big musty books, among other things. And in the room ahead of you stand two figures that look vaguely familiar.

You look back at the boys and Sam nods in encouragement.

"Um, hi!"

The two men turn around and you wonder why they look so sad, but only for a minute.

"My name is (Y/n)."

You step forward, giving each of them your hand to shake.

"I'm Bobby."

"I'm Garth, and this is Mr. Fizzles," he adds, holding up a hand with a sock puppet on it. The mood lifts all of a sudden and you feel some of the pent up tension leave.

"Nice to meet you both," you laugh.

"Hey, (Y/n). Our friend Pam here is pretty good at some mind stuff."

"Like psychics?"

"Er, sure," Dean replies, steering you towards a small couch.

"Cool! Is that we're gonna do now?" You ask, clueless to what's going on.

"Only if you want to, (Y/n)," Pam says gently, sitting down in a chair next to you.

You look at the people around you.

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