Hot - Castiel x Reader

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I'm gonna make this imagine during the summer because I miss warm weather and the high the other day was literally under ten degrees. So yeh. It's summer.

The hot summer sun beats down on you from the sky as you walk out of the diner. With it being so warm, you decided to wear a tank top today.

"We need to go see Pam," you argue, stopping in front of the door. Dean sighs exasperatedly and turns around to face you. The summer sunshine bounces off his eyes and makes them look really sparkly, which you find an odd thing for you to notice.

"(Y/n), we'll get to that, okay? We have some stuff to do today."

"Oh, what? Are you guys gonna leave me at the motel why you, Sam, and Bobby all go to do stuff behind my back? I'm willing to bet you already know what lifted you out of hell and you already went to see Pam and you just don't want to tell me."

Sam averts his gaze to look at the sidewalk which suddenly seems extremely interesting to him. Your gaze intensifies as Dean looks away and back to you.

"(Y/n), we wouldn't go behind your back about something like this."

You raise an eyebrow.

"Oh really?"

"Fine! We'll go get Bobby and we'll visit Pam. Are you happy now?"

The fire in your eyes burns down a little.

"I'll be happier once we have this all figured out. Let's go."

Finally satisfied, you turn around to leave but stop abruptly when you run into something solid.


"I apologize, human. I did not realize I was in your way."

"Yeah, no problem..."

Wait a minute. Human?

Your eyes travel upward and you take a step backward.

"Oh my God..."

You back up until you run into Dean and then you step behind him.

"What's the matter with you?"

"He's so hot I want to punch myself," you whisper, your eyes never leaving the newcomer with the bright blue eyes. He steps around Dean and squints at you.

"Human, please do not harm yourself. I assure you I maintain my vessel at a perfectly normal temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit."

Your cheeks redden but you don't move. You just continue staring at him. He stares right back.

"(Y/n), this is Cas. Cas, this is (Y/n)."

You clear your throat awkwardly and stick out your hand.

"Nice to meet you."

Cas looks down at your hand and then back up at you.

"You're supposed to shake it," you say, gesturing with your hand. He takes your hand in his but doesn't shake it.


"Well... I don't really know."

You frown slightly for a second before realizing he's still holding your hand.



"You can let go of my hand now."

"My apologies."

He lets go of your hand, and unsure of where to put his hand, it hangs there for a minute before he puts it at his side.

"So, who are you exactly?"

He watches as a bee flies by lazily and then returns his gaze to you.

"Castiel, angel of the lord."

"Oh. Oh!"

You step closer to him but he doesn't move away as any person normally would.

"You raised Dean from Hell?"

"That is correct," he answers.

"Well... Thank you."

You wrap your arms around him. He stands there awkwardly, not reciprocating.

"Why are you squeezing me with your arms?"

"It's a hug, Cas."


He wraps his arms around you finally. After a moment your face turns a slight shade of red.

"Cas, you're kind of... Squeezing too hard."

You gasp, attempting to draw in some air.


He lets go of you and steps back, cheeks pink with embarrassment. Sam looks between the two of you quickly, sensing something.

"I think I just found my new OTP."

Dean looks at his younger brother.



Your cheeks stay red, but not because you can't breathe.

"Sam, stop it."

Cas looks at Sam and tilts his head.

"What is an OTP?"

"Never mind, Cas," you reply, shaking your head and getting in the car.

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