Enemies? - Gabriel x Reader

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High school AU!! So, I can't remember where I got these from, but the prompts are not my mine, I got them off tumblr. So yeh... Also, everyone is human.

Gabriel Novak is a major douchebag. You hate him with everything you've got. He's everything you hate. Rude, childish, flirtatious, obnoxious, and the thing that makes it even worse is that he manages to be attractive at the same time. So even though you hate him, he always manages to make you flustered and uncomfortable in a way that no other guy can, which gives him a big advantage. And what makes you hate him even more is that he is the only guy you have ever had a crush on in your life.

When you were young, your parents divorced, which tore apart the whole family. Then, you vowed you would never fall for anyone, and you would never like anyone. So when you found you had feelings for the obnoxious douche who sits behind you in nearly every one of your classes, you immediately tried to steer yourself away. Which didn't work, because when he seemed to notice your distaste for him, he started teasing you even more and flirting with you like no other guy had. Which meant you had to talk to him more, which gave you more time to have your feelings grow. Damnit.

You walk with your group of friends to your last class of the day. Gabriel had been bothering you even more today since this was the last day before break.

"So that's why Twenty Øne Piløts is the best band."

"Um, no way. Have you ever heard Fall Out Boy?"

"Panic!atthedisco is obviously the best choice here."

"What about My Chemical Romance?"

"Shut up Cas, MCR broke up forever ago!"

Castiel frowns at Dean. He opens his mouth to argue when Gabriel runs up to you, throwing an arm around your shoulders.

"Hey (Y/n/n), what's up!"

A blush appears on your cheeks but you roll your eyes and frown.

"What do you want?"

"I wanna hang out with my favorite person!" He replies, messing up your hair. You remove his arm from your shoulder.

"C'mon guys, let's go."

The group moves on and enters the room, taking their seats. Cas sits to your right. Dean sits next to him and they are often seen holding hands across the aisle. The teacher never says anything, most likely because she ships it too. Sam sits on your left, and in front of him sits his girlfriend, Jess. Charlie sits a few seats up, glancing every few minutes at the girl next to her. Balthazar, Crowley and Kevin sit up at the very front of the room. Garth sits next to Sam. Lucifer sits in the corner, poking a very scared-looking Adam in the back.

Gabriel takes his seat behind you. You can't remember exactly what happened. He must've been bothering you in some way because you found yourself standing up, face to face with him.

"Could you just leave me alone?! You are obnoxious, loud, childish, flirtatious, pretentious, a douche bag, and to make matters worse, you... You're hot!"

He smirks, stepping even closer.

"You think I'm hot?"

Your face turns red.


What happens next is complete accident. You were trying to say "fuck you" and "fight me" at the same time. But that didn't work. Because you then ended up screaming, "Fuck me!"

Your face turns a brighter shade of red as you realize what just came out of your mouth. Everyone is staring at the two of you, open-mouthed. Everything is silent for about a minute before he leans forward carefully.

"Why not?"

Your lips meet and at first you mean to pull away. But then you find yourself kissing back. Whoops sound in the background but you tune it out as the kissing becomes more heated and passionate. The whoops die down and turn into embarrassed whispering. Then it just turns into awkward silence as everyone looks away in slight disgust.

"Novak! (Y/l/n)!"

You pull away quickly and look up at the teacher, who is standing in the doorway, her face red.

"Office! Now!"

The whole class watches as you quickly walk out the door and Gabriel follows behind you, chuckling and shutting the door behind him.

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