T&S - Sam x Reader???

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I know I said I would do part two for Amnesia, but I have no inspiration. Can you guys help me out? Give me feedback? It would be much appreciated. Thanks!

"Sammy..." You cry into his shirt as you wrap your arms around him.

"I know. It's hard," he sniffs as you two just hold onto each other, not able to read another word on the laptop screen. You both cry and cry until finally Dean walks into the kitchen with his bitch face on.

"What the hell are you two crying about at three in the morning? I'm tired."

You let go of Sam and turn towards Dean.

"Can you dig Elvis?" You sniff. Dean looks up for a moment, thinking about it.

"Yeah, I can dig Elvis."

And that does it. You and Sam cling to each other and start crying all over again.


You hear a flapping of wings.

"What is wrong? Why are (Y/n) and Sam crying?"

"I don't know, you tell me!" Dean yells, obviously confused. Cas walks over to you and Sam. He pulls the laptop closer to the edge of the table and reads the words on the screen.

"It's... About me. Us..."

He turns to you.

"What is this?"

"A-a fan-fiction," you manage to choke out.

"Fan... Fiction?"

Sam nods.

"About you and Dean," you admit, wiping away the last of your tears.

"Woah woah woah. Me and him, like, together?"

You and Sam nod again, pulling away from each other and looking at a very confused Cas and a very flustered Dean.

"We don't... I don't like him... Guys-"

"What's that Dean? I can't hear you through that closet door!" You interrupt.

"Dean is not in a closet..." Cas tilts his head and looks at you. You can't help but laugh despite the feels from just minutes before.

"C'mon guys. It's obvious. You two are perfect for each other. You're in love!" You wiggle your eyebrows suggestively while biting your lip.

"(Y/n), are you on your period?"

"No!! Yes..." you whisper the last part, looking down.

"Have you been drinking?"

"Absolutely not," you hiccup. Dean opens the fridge to find all the beers gone. He turns to you and Sam and raises an eyebrow.

"Alright, maybe we might've had a few... Or all of them..." you admit quietly. "But I still know what I'm talking about. Right Sammy?"

You turn to him for support.

"Yeah, you guys would be really, totally... Spectacu-lacular together."

"Okay, how much did you guys drink? Y'know what, doesn't matter. You're both intoxicated, you don't know what you're talking about."

"A drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts!" You shout. He rolls his eyes, but you can see the blush on his cheeks.

"You do like him! Just because it's dark doesn't mean I can't see the blush on your face!" You grin, pushing him towards Cas.

"Cassie, I know you like him too. I know it. I can see it. When you two stare at each other. The sexual tension is almost unbearable! I can tell!"


"Dean. You don't have to be flustered or anything. The truth is... I think I like you, too."

You and Sammy look on with wide eyes as Cas walks closer to Dean and takes his hands. You find Sam's hand and squeeze. He squeezes back. Finally, Dean and Cas draw closer and kiss. After a few seconds, Sam can't hold it in anymore.

"Woohoo! Get some Cas!"

Dean and Cas pull apart.

"Use protection," you say authoritatively.

"(Y/n), it's not even possible-"

"I don't wanna hear it Dean. Don't you back talk me."

You pull a condom out of your pocket and throw it at his face.


"Cas, I know you may not know this but if you don't use protection then there is a chance Dean might become..." You tiptoe over to Cas, looking left and right as if to make sure no one else is near.

"Pregnant," you whisper in his ear not-so-quietly.

"(Y/n), I do not believe that is possible."

You walk back to Sam and cross your arms.

"Wait, why do you even have a condom?" Dean asks. You look back at Sammy and wink.

"It was for later, but it's okay. We have more."

Dean looks between you and Sam with wide eyes.

"Oh. Right. Yes. We'll just go then... Me and Cas... To my room..." Dean grabs Cas' hand and tugs him down the hall.

"We've done something great tonight," you sigh and smile happily, grabbing Sam's hand.

"Yes we have."

I have to say, I had a lot of fun writing this one. I actually just finished Twist and Shout a few days ago and I literally cried. Like, not even the kind of silent crying you do when something sad happens in a movie. I actually, cried. Heavy breathing, red eyes, and everything. If you don't know what it is, (how could you not), it's a fanfic about Dean and Cas, and it's really very spectacular and beautiful and it's one of my favorite things I've ever read so definitely check it out if you haven't already!! It's on Archive Of Our Own and here on Wattpad so yeh. You should really read it if you ship Destiel. Maybe you should read it even if you don't ship Destiel. Whether you ship it or not, it's still very well written and beautiful and gives you feels like nothing else. So yeh. Hope you all are having a lovely day/night.

Stay Awesome ~ NeedsMoreMisha

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