My Best Friend Is Satan - Lucifer x Reader

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Thought this was cute so I decided to go for it. Ps, the title kinda sounds like a shitty sitcom or something 😂

You sit in the middle of the carpet, picking at a frayed string. You've been waiting for only about two minutes, but it feels more like two hours.

"Great. Not even Satan wants to be my friend." Your voice cracks slightly, and you chuckle at yourself. "Maybe I did it wrong?"

"No, you did it right."

Your head shoots up and you lock eyes with a man who seems familiar, but you know you've never seen him before. You study his face curiously, biting your lip.

"So you're...?"

"Yup. The one and only."

He reaches a hand out to you, and you take it, letting him help you up.

"You're very cold."

He shrugs, wiping his hand on his pants.

"I get that."

You sidle awkwardly, thinking about the deal you wanted to make. You never really liked talking to people, let alone the devil himself. And how were you supposed to explain that you were so lonely that you were selling your soul to Satan to be your friend? He stares at you, and it's almost like he sees right into you.

"I'm assuming you called me here to make a deal?"

"Oh, yeah..."

You rub your arm awkwardly. He leans against the wall, waiting for you to continue.

"I'm kind of, um... lonely? And I was wondering if maybe I could sell my soul to you and you'd... be my friend?"

You end the request with a question in your voice.


"Well I said-"

"No, I heard what you said, but..."

He pauses to think, or at least that's what you assume, but then he catches your eye and breaks out into a laugh. You look at him, wounded.

"If you're just going to laugh at me, you can leave."

He levels you with a cold glare and you freeze, fear starting to bubble up in your chest.

"I didn't think friends talk to each other like that."

"N-no, sorry."

Your brain takes a moment to catch up, replaying the sentence.

"You'll do it then?"

"Why not? It'll be fun."

The fear dissipates, leaving you with a small smile.

"Alright, so... how do we...?"

He leaves the wall and walks closer to you, gently grabbing your forearm and pulling you in.

"Did you know, in ancient times, kisses were used to seal contracts?"

"Wait, what? You want me to kiss you?"

You pull away quickly, shivering as his fingers trail down your forearm to your hand.

"That's how it works. Seal the deal with a kiss."

"I can't do that, I've never kissed anyone in my life!"

You're too flustered to realize the embarrassing admission that left your lips.

"Then I guess I'll be your first."

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