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Another witch. This is the second time in a row. You groan out loud, standing up to pack your bags.

"You guys suck. Why can't you go take care of that hunt and I'll go take care of the one in Iowa?"

"Because, you aren't allowed to hunt by yourself."

"Why not? I'm a full grown adult!"

You pout, crossing your arms. Dean raises an eyebrow at you.

"You aren't acting like it. Pack your bag. We're going to Ohio."


You stomp to your room, slamming your door extra loud to let them know how mad you are.

You jump out of the Impala and run into the motel, leaving Sam and Dean to take care of the other bags. You buy a room with only two beds and yell the room number at them before running to the room and shutting the door. The brothers walk in with equally bitchy bitch faces on. Dean starts towards the closest bed, which is the one you have claimed, but you glare at him until he passes on to the next one, making Sam share with you.

He doesn't comment on this and instead walks out to get the last bag. You flop down on the bed and heave a sigh, shutting your eyes.

"Being unnecessarily childish is tiring," you chuckle, rubbing your face. "I don't even understand why I can't hunt. Me and you are the same age and you get to hunt all the time."

"We just wanna make sure you don't get hurt."

You roll your eyes.

"As if. You guys just want to make my life miserable."

You say this jokingly, but you can tell Sam seems to take this into consideration.

"We do it to keep you safe."

"I got it, chill. I was kidding."

You pat his back and stand up to use the bathroom. A few hours of research later, you're ready to go.

"Let's get this over with."

You shake out your hands impatiently and open the door. The fluttering of wings alerts you to the presence of Cas. You smile at him with tight lips and slide in the backseat of the Impala. You watch through the window as Cas asks Dean something and he replies, gesturing at you. Cas looks at you and you stick out your tongue, flipping off Dean. Sam rolls his eyes and gets in the passenger side.

Cas accompanies you into the witch's home. It only takes about 20 minutes and you finally get rid of the witch. At least, you think so. From the sounds of it, Cas and Dean took care of it. You and Sam walk cautiously towards the room, peering in. The witch is laying on the floor in a crumpled heap to your relief. You enter the room and put your gun away, looking for the angel and Dean.

"Cas? Dean?"

"Uh, (Y/n)?"

Sam nudges you and nods at the floor. You follow his gaze and gasp. The two boys on the floor are certainly Cas and Dean. But they look to only be about six years old. You kneel down to look the younger Dean in the eye. He blinks his green eyes back at you.



His voice comes out at a much higher pitch than you expected and you almost burst out laughing. You look at Cas and almost laugh again. His large blue eyes stare at you in confusion.

"I think the witch cast a spell."

You chuckle, picking up Dean.

"Yeah, I think so, too."

"Hey, I can walk!"

Cas pushes back the long sleeves of his trench coat and walks to the door slowly.

"I'm sure you could, but this'll be faster."

After some slight complications with getting them buckled into the car, you drive back to the motel. You hold their hands and pull them into the room, locking the door behind you. The two boys sit on your bed, gazing up at you innocently. Sam sets down the gear next to the other bed, the bed that was originally going to be Dean's. You assume he'll be fine by himself, but you know how kids are.

"Alright, clothes off!"

Dean opens his mouth to argue but you quickly interject.

"You need to sleep in something other than that!"

Dean grumpily does as he's told, and of course you're right, just like you often tend to be. Cas decides to keep on his outfit since he doesn't have a change of clothes and he sits on a chair facing the bed Dean is currently on, which is yours. Sam grabs a beer.

"I want one!"

"Nope! You aren't allowed to drink until you're 21!" You say, grabbing a beer for yourself.

"Can I have some pie?"

You glance at the clock.

"Nope. It's too late for that. It's bed time."

"But I'm not tired!" Dean whines, throwing his arms up in the air. Cas yawns, which you find strange.

"You don't need to sleep, right?"

"My grace is "confused", as one might say."

Cas stretches.

"Of course."

You make up the other bed for Dean and Cas and get them all settled in. By the time they finally let you go to your own bed, Sam has already fallen asleep, taking up most of the bed you had originally claimed for yourself. You groan quietly, shutting off the lamp and pushing Sam's arm away. His arm moves right back but it's on top of you now, pulling you uncomfortably close.

A blush dusts your cheeks but you squeeze your eyes shut, trying to fall asleep. After a few moments, the hairs on the back of your neck rise and you crack open one eye. It's Dean, standing on your side of the bed.

"Can I sleep with you tonight? You know, to keep you safe."

Your lips slowly lift up into a sleepy smile.


You scoot even closer to Sam and you try to ignore the tight feeling in your chest as Dean snuggles next to you, sharing your pillow. Your eyes drift closed again but a minute later they open to meet Cas' large blue eyes. You sigh, making room for Cas, too.


He scrambles into bed, making himself comfortable. The bed suddenly seems 10 times smaller, with all four of you in bed. But you tell yourself it doesn't matter and let the sounds of steady breathing lull you to sleep.


You wake up the next morning in the most awkward position. Your head is on Sam's chest. Dean's arm is around your waist and his face is buried in the crook of your neck. You suspect you'd probably be on the ground by now of Cas hadn't moved to sit on the corner of the bed.

Both Cas and Dean seem to have grown back to their normal size sometime during the night. Questions begin forming in your mind, but you push them away in favor of closing your eyes and spending as much time in the bed as possible.


You grunt quietly in response, loud enough to to let Cas know you're awake but not loud enough to wake up the boys.

"You really should get up."

"I know, Cas. Just let me have this for a little longer."

Your eyes flutter shut again and you drift back into the warmth and inky darkness of sleep.

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