Preferences (Black and White)

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Part two to the preferences for color!! Prepare for sadness.

It was supposed to be a quick hunt. In and out. Two days at the bare minimum. That's not what happened.

Your vision fades back in as you blink. It's dark, almost pitch black. Finally, you notice the figure in the corner.

"Finally, you're awake. I wanted to wait until you were conscious to start."

You attempt to move your hands only to find them tied behind your back. The wooden pole cuts into your back and draws blood which soaks into your jacket. Despite the pain, you smirk.

"Little doggie still mad about the death of her fleabag parents?"

Her eyes flash dangerously and she hitches up her lips in a snarl. Fear flits through your mind before leaving quickly. You aren't scared of this furball.

"I'm not scared of you. In fact, you better go running back to your pack before-"

"Before what? Before your little boyfriend shows up? Well, guess what? He's already here."

You laugh loudly at this, tears of mirth starting to form in your eyes.

"Dean is strong. He wouldn't let some mutt as weak as you catch him."

And in the heat of the moment, you honestly believed that he wouldn't let himself get caught by this miserable werewolf. She was young, pretty weak. And he was strong and smart. But the humor in your eyes faded when your eyes landed on him, tied to the pole opposite you.

He was still unconscious. His breathing was ragged and claw marks trailed down his cheek to his chin.

"So you caught him. Big deal," you bluff, lifting up your mouth in a smile.

"Oh, it's gonna be a big deal," the werewolf laughs, showing her sharp teeth.

"Do whatever you want to me, sweetheart. Kill me for all I care. But when I come back, I'm gonna be pissed. And don't think Sam and Dean won't be coming after you, too."

"Oh, I'm not doing anything to you."

She steps closer to Dean and your eyes follow. The smile drops from your face in sudden realization.

"You don't lay a finger on him."

"And if I don't?" She responds, nails sharp.

"I'll kill you."

"What, killing my parents wasn't enough?" She asks, trailing her claws along Dean's face.

"I'll kill you and everyone you ever loved," you snarl, earning a laugh from the werewolf.

"Right, right. Have fun with that."

Dean's eyes flutter open and you notice how green they look in the dim light.

"Dean! She's going to-" you bite your lip, drawing blood as she digs her nails into his arm. He grits his teeth, but doesn't make a sound. She growls in frustration and wiggles her fingers. He winces, earning a smile of satisfaction from the she-wolf.

"It's okay, (Y/n). It'll be okay, sweetheart."

"She's killing you!"

Your voice echoes through the shack despite its small size.

"Don't worry, (Y/n). Don't worry about a thing."

The words meant to comfort only make things worse. Dean is dying, and he's comforting you. Dean is strong, but not strong enough. His scream tears through the night, mingling with the screams that had started ripping out of your mouth a few seconds before.

In those fleeting seconds, you remember the screams reminding you of how wolves would howl at the moon together, matching pitches. And then the color slowly starts to fade. The last bit of color you see is one small twinkle of green before Dean's eyes shut, never to open again.

You remember how his eyes always seemed to be a different color. You remember the color of his hair that was almost the same length as yours. (Assuming you have shortish hair). You remember the green leaves of lettuce that were in those salads he always ate. You remember all this, but you will never see it again.

Never again will your world be colorful. You will only ever see in dull shades of grey, black, and white. But the worst part is that the last color you saw was the red of the blood trailing out of his mouth.

You are so happy. Of course, Cas had just died. You had lost color. All of it was gone. But minutes later, all color had returned when your angel appeared again, alive and well.

Are you you kidding me? Crowley doesn't die. It's Crowley.

edit from the future: well, i guess i was wrong

He had insisted that you stay behind.

"It'll be quick," he said. "I'll be back and when I get back, we can cuddle and watch movies," he said. "I'll never leave you, sugar," he said. Well. He was wrong.

You were tapping your foot impatiently, gnawing on a rainbow lollipop.

"Gabriel, I know you can hear me. Don't be a jackass, get your feathery butt over here."

Still, he didn't come. Worry starts to take over your body.

"C'mon Gabe, you promised movies and cuddles. Let me guess. I have to say the magic word. Please?" You say, laughing shakily.

Meanwhile, Gabriel...

He was laughing. Chuckling to himself.

"Why are you laughing?"

He shakes his head at his brother.


And that's when the blade breaks his skin. It goes farther than that. Carving, deeper and deeper. But still, a smile ghosts his lips as his last thoughts of you or anything at all slip from his mind.

Back to you...

There was a gut-wrenching feeling. Like the world was ending. And then all color faded away. You dropped the now-grey lollipop on the ground where it shattered. You rush to the window and can't see the green leaves. The yellow sunshine. The blue sky. It's all grey.

"Gabriel! What happened, I can't see!" You shout. But he still doesn't come. And he never will again. You scream and sob up to the heavens, curses flowing out of your mouth as tears spill down your face.

It was a normal day. You had gone out on a supply run. Leaving Kevin wasn't easy, especially as a sense of uneasiness had been hanging around you all day. But you brushed it off and left to get some food and beer. Big mistake.

Just as you were taking the items from the cashier, the color drained from her face. You could no longer see her rosy cheek or blue eyes. You couldn't see the color of the alcohol in your hand, nor the color of the pie in he bag. A moan left your mouth as you fell to the ground. People stopped to look, but only one person knelt down to ask what was wrong.

"He's dead. I loved him, he was my soulmate and he's dead."

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