Beach Day - Lucifer x Reader

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Alright so I don't really know if you could say this is a serious imagine. It's meant to be silly, but there will be some fluff between you two as well.

"Lucifer, come on!"

"Do I have to?"

He mopes over to you as you pack as many beach items into your duffle bag as possible.

"Yes, we're gonna have a fun day at the beach."

You zip the bag shut and pull Lucifer outside.


"We're here!"

A smile spreads across your face as you step into the scalding sand.

"The sand is too hot," Lucifer pouts as you walk around, looking for a good spot to set down your things.

"I told you to wear shoes," you laugh and spread out a beach towel with a tropical palm tree on it.

"Nobody else is," he grumbles.

"Help me set this up."

He rolls his eyes but helps you stick an umbrella in the sand.

"There. Now we can go swimming!"

Lucifer follows behind you as you run into an oncoming wave. He stops and let's the water lap at his feet.

"Come on!"


He walks about waist deep into the water.

"It's too cold."

You're slightly annoyed by his childish behavior now, but try not to show it.

"Come over here then. The water is warmer."

He reluctantly trudges over in your direction.

"It's too warm."

"Fine then, go lay on the towel and I'll just have fun in the water by myself."

You watch as he returns to the shore and sits on the towel. After a moment of you splashing around and swimming in the water, he shouts over to you.

"The towel is scratchy!"

You want to walk over and punch him in the face, but instead you shake your head at his complaint. Later, he does end up joining in the water. After getting over the cold water, he actually appeared to be having fun with you.

Later on, you join a game of volleyball. You explain all the rules to Lucifer, and he nods his head in understanding. After a few moments of playing, the ball is hit over the net and towards Lucifer, but he just watches as it sails past him.

"Lucifer, you were supposed to hit it."

"I know."

He regards the ball with disinterest. You sigh and grab the ball.

You serve it and after a few passes back and forth, it soars in the direction of Lucifer again, and this time, he pulls his arm back and hits it with such force that it plummets into the ground and pops.

"Dude, our ball!"

Beach goers look up in interest but look back down after you wave to them awkwardly.

"I think that's enough for today."

You pick up all your things and shove them back in your duffle bag. You kindly give the things you won't need again (like sand buckets, boogie boards, etc) to other small children and drag Lucifer away.

"Seriously? We were supposed to have a good time, that was supposed to be fun, and you ruined it!"

"I didn't mean to."

You sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose.

"That's what you always say."

Despite your anger, a laugh escapes your lips.

"Sometimes you are way too much to handle."

"But you still love me, right?"

He wraps his arms around your waist.

"Yeah," you pause as he kisses your cheek. "Yeah, I do."

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