Baking With Gabe

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I know I've already done a Gabriel imagine but I just write the things that come to me. I'll try to write an imagine for Dean or something next time. REQUESTS ARE OPEN! So you can request anything at anytime. Or you could just request a person and whether you want fluff or not. You don't have to be specific. Although I haven't really tried writing stuff that isn't fluff yet. Anyways, hope you enjoy!

"Fuck, I'm burning the pie!" You curse as you pull the pie out of the oven. You throw the pie in the trash with an exasperated sigh. Sam and Dean went out on a hunt so you decided to buy some baking stuff and try your hand at baking. You wash your hands for what seems like the fiftieth time and slam the cookbook shut.

"I just want to make something good!" You chuckle at yourself.

"Need some help?"

You turn around quickly.

"Gabriel! You scared me!"

"I keep telling you, just call me Gabe."

You hum to yourself as you take out your phone and look for cupcake recipes. Finally finding one you like, you set down your phone and get the ingredients.

"Hey Gabe, could you hand me the flour?"

He hands it to you and watches as you stare back down at your phone. You mix together all the dry ingredients and start preheating the oven. You frown in concentration as Gabriel watches. It makes you kinda nervous. One, you've had a crush on him since you met. Two, it makes you feel pressured to get it right. You mix the wet ingredients and after about 10 minutes of awkward silence, you put the batter in the oven and shut the oven door.

"Do you think they'll come out okay?" You ask shyly.

"They'll come out great," he answers, squeezing your shoulder.

"What should we do now?"

"You should sing for me," he suggests, leading you to the living room and sitting down.

"Gabe, I sound horrible."

Truthfully though, you are afraid you will mess up in front of Gabe. Of course you are shy in front of other people sometimes, but it's mostly in front of Gabe.

"(Y/n), you don't have to be shy, you've known me for like a year. And besides, I bet you have a beautiful singing voice."

"If you say so..." You answer, thinking of a song you could sing.

Hey Jude, don't make it bad
Take a sad song and make it better
Remember to let her into your heart
Then you can start to make it better

Your voice is shaky but as you look into Gabriel's eyes, your voice grows stronger.

Hey Jude, don't be afraid
You were made to go out and get her
The minute you let her under your skin
Then you begin to make it better

And anytime you feel the pain, hey Jude, refrain
Don't carry the world upon your shoulders
For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool
By making his world a little colder

Hey Jude, don't let me down
You have found her, now go and get her
Remember to let her into your heart
Then you can start to make it better

So let it out and let it in, hey Jude, begin
You're waiting for someone to perform with
And don't you know that it's just you, hey Jude, you'll do
The movement you need is on your shoulder

You pause, looking at the floor and back up again.

Hey Jude, don't make it bad
Take a sad song and make it better
Remember to let her under your skin
Then you'll begin to make it better

You finish, a blush crossing your face. You've never sang in front of anyone before. Gabriel doesn't respond, which makes you nervous.

"That was terrible, wasn't it?"


You look up at him.

"That was amazing."

A smile finds its way to your face.


You can hear the mix of hope and joy in your voice in that one word.


You sit down next to him.

"I'm glad you liked it. Cause I'm never doing it again."

"Awe, c'mon (Y/n)."

You sigh. "Okay, okay. But just for you."

He smiles at you happily.

After a few moments of sitting on the couch together, the timer goes off signifying the cupcake batter is done. You push off the couch and grab an oven mitt, gently grabbing the pan and setting it down. You blow on them and get out the icing. Gabriel trails behind you, watching the butter knife spread chocolate icing across each cupcake.

"Done!" You chirp, setting down the knife. You grab one and Gabe grabs two.

"One at a time!" You scold. You take a bite out of the cupcake.

"These actually taste really good!" Gabriel says, looking at you.

You take a bite.

"They do!" You smile.

You turn to Gabriel but just as you do, a cupcake hits your face.

"Gabriel!" You open your mouth, shocked. You wonder to yourself why you put so much icing on the cupcakes. It's all over your face. He moves in closer and smears the other cupcake all over your face.

"Gabe!!" You gasp. He licks some of the icing off your face.

"Ew, stop it!" You shout, holding back a laugh. You are suddenly glad the icing is covering your face so he can't see the blush. You push him away gently and try to find something to wipe your face off with.

Instead, you find the cupcake pan, and grab two cupcakes. A grin makes its way to your face. You turn around and throw the cupcakes. One hits Gabe in the face and the other lands on his chest.

"Oh, it's on."

A giggle escapes your mouth as you wipe the icing away from your eyes. Gabriel snaps hand and suddenly he has a whole pile of cupcakes on the counter next to him.

"Hey, that's cheating!" You laugh as you throw another cupcake at him. He doesn't answer and just throws two cupcakes at you.

Pretty soon, cupcakes are flying everywhere. Icing is all over the walls, ingredients are spilled on the floor, and yet you are still throwing cupcakes at each other.

Finally, you are both out of cupcakes. You take in deep breaths, still laughing. After you finally catch your breath, you look up and can't find Gabriel.

"Gabe?" You ask, looking around. Just then, he walks up behind you and dumps the whole bag of flour over your head. It's all over your face, in your hair, and on your clothes. You cough and a cloud of flour appears in front of your face. You turn around to look at him angrily but as you turn to him and see him laughing, you can't help but laugh too.

"The boys are gonna be so angry," you chuckle. Suddenly, the doors open. Speak of the devil.

"(Y/n), we're back."

Dean walks into the kitchen and looks around.


You grin sheepishly.

"Uh, sorry?"

So I had fun writing that! Sorry for writing basically all the lyrics to Hey Jude but I just a got into The Beatles and I like it a lot. So the next update is gonna have a Beatles song in it. Hope you liked this!

Stay awesome ~ NeedsMoreMisha

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