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that title doesn't have anything to do with this, I just really couldn't think of a title for this.

"Carry on my wayward soooonnn!"

You jam out, hitting the steering wheel with the palms of your hand. A honk sounds behind you and you quickly turn the radio down a notch, looking into your rear view mirror. There's a man with gorgeous green eyes and light brownish hair looking kind of scary behind the wheel and a taller long-haired man with brown eyes on the passenger side. You gulp and pull over to get out of his way, but then he pulls over on the side of the road too.

Oh no.

You shut off the engine and drum your fingers on the wheel, watching as the man steps out of his car and makes his way to you. You bite your bottom lip. You already have problems talking to regular people, but this guy is like five times more intimidating than the usual person. You don't realize he's holding a map until you step out of your own car.

"I'm sorry, I was just listening to music and kinda got carried away, I didn't mean to bother you-"

"What? No, look I just need to find the nearest town. I have no idea what I'm doing."

He seems upset to admit this, but you don't blame him. Most people that don't live around this area get lost easily.

"Oh." You sigh in relief. "No problem. Can I see your map?"

He hands it to you gratefully.

You study the map carefully and point out the general area of where you are now.

"So we're here, right? So the closest town would be..."

You trace your finger along a red line and stop on a tiny black dot.

"This one! That's actually where I'm headed. You can follow my car if you want...?" You offer, the suggestion sounding more like a question.


He studies your face and you meet his eyes but quickly look away.


You get back into your car quickly, not wanting to embarrass yourself further.

"Nice car."

Familiar territory. Everywhere you went, people wanted to talk about your car. Mostly guys, but that was okay. It was just about the only thing you could talk about without floundering helplessly.

"Isn't she though? She's a 1967 Mustang. I picked this one especially cause of the color."

Your car is somewhere between a cherry red and apple red color.

"Buy her yourself?"

"Yup. Took me years of saving, but I did it! And that just makes me love her even more."

You rub the leather seat lovingly. Looking in your rear view mirror, you notice his car.

"You have a pretty sweet ride yourself!"

"She's a-"

"1967 Chevy Impala."

He smiles, relaxing into the conversation.

"Yeah. Got her from my dad."

"I'm jealous," you admit, studying the car. She's in extremely good condition, but you can tell she's old and she's been through a lot, too. You can tell that car holds memories. A loud honk yanks you out of your thoughts.

"Dean, quit flirting and get back in the car!"

Blood rushes to your face but you try to ignore it.

"Dean, huh?"

You laugh quietly. He looks exactly like you imagined Dean Winchester would. And he's got the same car, too. But he couldn't be... Could he?

"Is something funny?"

"No, no. It's just that..."

He holds your gaze, waiting for you to finish.


You shake your head.

"Follow me."

You both pull out simultaneously and have to be careful not to bump into each other. You successfully get back on the road and begin driving towards town.

You pull over in a motel parking lot and get out of your car, as do the boys.

"Hey, thanks for that. I don't know if I would've made it if it weren't for you."

You blush, scratching the inside of your wrist.

"Glad I could help."

An awkward silence hangs between the three of you, and you can't take it anymore.

"So you're Dean?"

"Yep. This is my brother Sam."

You narrow your eyes slightly.

"I'm (Y/n)."

You shake Sam's hand. Sam squints slightly at you as well.

"Have we met before?"

"Don't think so. But..."

You bite your lip, deciding whether or not you should ask if they're who you think they are.

"Are you Winchesters?"

The question leaves your mouth unchecked.

"That's why she sounded familiar! You're a hunter, too, aren't you?"


Relief floods through you. You thought they would immediately become suspicious of you or something.

"You boys here to work on the case? I took care of it."


"Yep. I was just gonna get my stuff from my motel room and get back on the road."

They follow you to your room and walk in behind you. You walk around picking up things and putting them in their proper places before grabbing your bag and heading back out. Dean watches as you bend down to put your things in the trunk of your car and Sam silently scolds him.

"You got a place to stay?"

You look up in surprise.

"You guys have a permanent residence?"

"Yeah, kinda. You can stay if you want."

You blink, unsure of yourself.

"Well, I'd love to, but I shouldn't. It's your place and we really just met and all..."

Sam looks as if he'd like to agree, but Dean steps in before he can say anything.

"It's really no problem. Trust me."

You bite your lip. It's a bad habit.

"If you insist."

You drop back into your car.

"Alright, just follow our car. It might take a little bit to get there."

"You sure I should follow you?" You tease, a smirk appearing on your face.


"Whatever," you mimic, earning a snort from Sam. Dean shoots his brother a death glare and turns back to you.

"Let's just get out of here before I decide to go back on my offer."

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