Y/n in Oz P.3

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The fun you were having before has faded away to you trying to get done with this as soon as you could. You bet this was something to do with playing roles. The boys had been put through something like this before, but you hadn't been there because they had let you go on your first solo hunt (it was successful). You figured it was just a matter of time before it was your turn, and you were right.

"Look (Y/n), there's Emerald City, just behind the poppy field!"

You allow yourself to smile in relief. This meant you were at least half done.

But wait...

This is the field where Dorothy is supposed to fall asleep.


You look up at Sam.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Just are you sure we have to go through the poppy field?"

"What are you talking about, (Y/n)? It's not that far, it's so close! Going around would take a long time!" Dean says incredulously, staring at you.

"He is correct. The distance we would have to travel to go another way would take even more time to get you home."

"Yeah, (Y/n). Let's just go the way you're supposed to go. Er, we're supposed to go."

You catch Gabriel's hint, and you bite your lip to keep yourself from screaming anything that isn't family friendly.

"Fine. We'll go this way then."

You grab Sam's hand and tug him ahead of the others, trying to get through this as fast as you can.

"(Y/n), aren't you going to wait for everyone else?" Sam asks, ending the question with a yawn.

You grudgingly slow down so that the others can catch up, but by then drowsiness is already overtaking your body.

"(Y/n), what's wrong?"

You yawn in response, covering your mouth.

"I think I need to lay down a minute."

Sam starts to let go of your hand and lay down, but you grip his hand tighter and struggle to pull him up. You're gonna fight this as long as you can.

"C'mon Sam, stay awake!"

But even as you're telling him this, your limbs are becoming heavy and you're laying down next to him.

"(Y/n), you can't sleep now! We're almost there!"

"Just one minute, that's all."

And with that your eyes flutter shut.


A cold, ticklish sensation on your face wakes you up.

"Oh. I'm awake."

You almost hoped you wouldn't wake up again.

"I'm up, I'm up!"

Sam sits upright, using your shoulder as support (which almost pulls you back into the poppies).

"We were starting to think you'd never wake up. C'mon, we're nearly there."

You let Dean help you up and begin your trek towards the Emerald City gates.

Reaching the door, you ring the bell. A small window above you opens and you're startled to see Lucifer.

"Did you not read the sign?"

"What sign?" Dean asks, staring at the door.

"The sign right in front of your-" He notices that the sign he's talking about isn't there and rolls his eyes. "Whatever, just come in."

He opens the door and you step past him, immediately greeted with several people in almost all green. A carriage stops in front of you and you're once again surprised to see Garth. Thankfully, he isn't wearing the bright green that everyone else is, but as a result, he sticks out almost as much as the color-changing horse pulling the carriage.

"It's so great to see a friendly face! Would you mind taking us to see the Wizard?"

"Sure. You might want to get a little cleaned up first though."

He studies the mishmash group before him. You look around at them and realize that it probably would be for the best.

"Alright then."

You climb into the carriage and watch the scenery pass by as you make your way to the Wizard.


As you stand in front of the Wizard's castle (is it a castle?? Idk), you must admit that you do feel and look a lot better than you did before.

"Alright, what do you idjits want?"

"Bobby..." you mutter the name to yourself.

"We need to see the Wizard!"

"Oh, well in that case, come right on in then!"

Cas looks at Bobby hopefully.


"No, not really you idjit! Go wait like everyone else."

"Wait a minute!" You push in front of the group. "I've got the ruby slippers!"

Bobby looks down at your feet.

"Guess you're right. Give me a minute." He leaves through the door in front of you and comes back a minute later. "He doesn't want to see you. Now I'd recommend you get out of here."

This is one of the saddest part. Or it's supposed to be anyways.

"Oh, but how will I ever get home?"

You collapse on the stairs, willing tears to form in your eyes.

"And what about my heart?"

"And my brain?"

"And my courage?"

You pinch the inside of your arm and finally tears fall down your cheeks.

"Oh, I'll never see my family again! They'll never know what happened to me, and.... and...."

You put your head in your hands and everyone joins in on the crying, or at least pulling sad faces and trying to comfort you with hugs.

"You kids break my heart. Get in there."

You all stare at him incredulously.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Hurry up before I change my mind."

You smile at him gratefully as you pass through the doors, glad this is finally almost over.

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