Preferences (Trust Falls)

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You walk next to Dean as he browses the pie selection. You tap your foot impatiently as he finally decides on two of the best pies they have.

An idea pops into your head and you smile.

"Hey, Dean!"

He turns to look at you inquiringly.

"Trust fall!"


You lean back and nearly topple over. Dean manages to catch you, but he isn't happy.

"What the heck, you just smashed my pies!"

You smile cheekily and look up at your boyfriend.


"You're gonna be sorry. Come here!"

You shoot away and run around the store before you get kicked out for knocking down an entire shelf of soup cans.

"Sammy!" You screech, eyes darting around the room. "Sam, I need you!"

The moose comes tearing into the room and nearly falls over.

"(Y/n), what's wrong?"

He practically shouts, rushing up to you.

"Oh, nothing. It's just- Trust fall!" You interrupt yourself and fall backwards. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you back up. For a moment he's holding you in the air before he sets you back down.

"(Y/n), don't do that! I thought you were hurt or something!"

You laugh and look up at him.

"Alright, sorry Sammy," you chuckle, looking away.

"Hey, (Y/n)?"

"Yeah, Sam?"

"Trust fall!"

He leans backwards as if to fall.

"No, I can't! Ah!"

You try as hard as you can to keep him from falling but you aren't strong enough. He falls down and pulls you down with him.

You stand next to the trench-coated angel and look at him. You don't think he would really let you fall, but this really will be a test of your trust. Finally, you decide to give it a try.

"Trust fall!"

You tip back. You start panicking when you almost hit the floor. At the last minute, you feel strong arms pulling you back into a standing position.

"(Y/n), why would you do something like that? You could have hurt yourself," Cas says, brushing something off your shoulder.

"It's a trust fall. It's to test trust."

He furrows his brow.

"But surely you trust me?"

"Yes Cas, it's just something fun," you explain patiently, a small smile on your lips. He looks away to contemplate this and you look away to hide the laughter coming out of your mouth.

"Trust fall!" You shout, falling backwards. Crowley only watches as you hit the floor. "What the fuck, you were supposed to catch me!"

You rub your head as he helps you up. You pull your fingers away from your head to see blood dotting your skin.

"Look what you did!"

"You're the one who fell down on purpose."

"Yeah, well..." you sputter for a moment before crossing your arms in a pout.

"That's what I thought."

You stand in the empty room, looking around to make sure you are alone.

"Gabriel! Trust fall!"

You fall backward and just as you are about to hit the floor you hear the fluttering of powerful wings and warm hands pull you back up.

"Have I ever told you that you are crazy?" The archangel asks, holding you close.

"Probably," you reply, shivering in your t-shirt.

You continue to do this throughout the next week or so, and every time Gabriel comes just in time to stop you from hitting the floor.

One day while on a hunt, you were outnumbered. Sam, Dean, and Cas were busy so it was just you. Gabriel hadn't answered when you called, but you shrugged it off, figuring he was busy. You couldn't quite figure out what you were hunting here.

It isn't a vamp or a werewolf. It's not a ghost, or a leviathan considering those are basically gone. You couldn't decide what it was, so of course you couldn't properly kill it, could you?

You stand on the edge of a cliff. Actually, you aren't quite on the edge. There's a bit of space where another person could stand behind you. But your heart still beats wildly at the thought of the drop behind you.

The monster makes it way towards you. You start to back up but then remember your position and scoot farther up. But that only brings you closer to whatever it is you have to kill.


"No where to run now. Looks like the youngest Winchester is down for the count," it says, getting closer to your face. You recoil in disgust as its dank breath hits your nostrils. Then, an idea pops into your head.

"I'm trusting you, you stupid archangel!" You shout into the cold air. You brace yourself as the monster looks at you confusedly. You look at the monster and a nervous smile appears on your lips. "Gabriel! Trust fall!"

You lean backwards and fly over the edge. The wind whistles in your ear. The monster leans over the edge to look down at you but then falls over and starts flying down towards you. You try to relax yourself.

He'll catch me.

You continue falling for another few seconds and that's when the panic kicks in.


Your panicked shouting is drowned out by the howling wind that whips around you. The screaming ravages your vocal chords. The ground is nearing you. Your heart is beating uncontrollably. Just when you begin to accept that you are about to be splattered all over the uneven ground, strong arms wrap around your waist and pull you away from the ground.

A gasp escapes your mouth and your heart slows down a little. You rip your eyes away from the jagged rocks on the ground and look up to see none other than Gabriel. You look back down and watch as the monster falls down on a sharp rock and gets impaled through the heart.

Ooohh, that's gotta hurt.

He sets you down on solid ground two minutes later. Once you're back on the ground, he wraps his arms around you in a tight hug. You return the hug and smile when you feel warm wings wrapping around you.

He pulls away a moment later.

"Let's not do that again. Okay?"


You fall backwards and nearly ram your head into the table. Kevin catches you just in time, helping you up.

"(Y/n), do you really have to do this all the time?"

"Absolutely!" You reply, laughter escaping your lips.

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