Taken In

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Writing this cause I finally got John Winchester's Journal and Bobby Singer's Guide to Hunting and in John's journal it said he would've liked to have a daughter. So, I decided to write this. I realize I've written things slightly similar to this. (Examples: Castiel Imagine, Are You Ok?, An Unexpected Day in the Life of Y/n, This, and Running Into the Devil). However, none of them are quite like this. So, here goes nothing!

It was 1987. You had just turned 6 about two months ago. Your german shepherd, Danny, lays on the floor next to your bed. You had gotten her as a present, and already you had her trained well. She listens to your every word, has since the day you got her. She's very obedient, and you love her, and you know she loves you too. When snarling sounds from your parents' bedroom, her ears turn towards the door and she sits up. Growling echoes through your room, emerging from deep within Danny's throat. You startle awake and you sit up in bed, eyes immediately locking onto your dog.


She looks at you and then at your door. She gets into a standing position, haunches rising and her lip lifting up to reveal sharp, white teeth.

"Danny?" You repeat.

Danny jumps onto your bed and sits directly in front of you, ready to move if she needs to. A shot rings throughout the small home. You flinch at the noise, but do not make any noise.

Maybe they don't know I'm here?

That thought is discredited when your door opens and in steps a masculine figure. Danny growls from deep within her throat once again, warning the intruder to stay back.

"Wanna call off your dog? I'm here to help you."

Your mother always told you not to talk to strangers. But your six year old side reasons, he did say he's here to help.


Your young voice is strong. Danny doesn't want to listen. She whines, still staring down the man.

"No, Danny."

Danny reluctantly sits down.

"You can come closer. She listens to me."

The figure does so, but cautiously. In the moonlight filtering through the window, you can see the man better. You can make out his outfit and his scruffy facial hair. Your eyes grow wide at the sight of a gun in his hand.


Danny stands back up, a bark erupting from her throat.

"You got that dog trained well, kid."

"Yeah, and she'll rip your hand off if I tell her to."

He follows your gaze to his gun and puts it away somewhere.

"Look kid, I know this won't be easy, but you're gonna have to come with me."

"Why?" You ask, tilting your head. He sighs, rubbing the back of his neck a little.

"Your parents... aren't here anymore. I need to get you to any family that can keep ya."

"I don't have any other family. That's what Mommy and Daddy always said anyways. And what do you mean they're gone? Did they leave to go buy something?"

You weren't completely clueless. But you couldn't quite believe what he was hinting at.

"You're parents aren't here as in not living anymore. I'm sorry."


You visibly deflate in front of the man. He gazes at you sympathetically for a moment.

"My name is John. And if you don't have any family... well, I guess you could live with me."

Your eyes meet his, hope returning.

"Really, sir? That would be so nice. I'm (Y/n), by the way."

He eyes Danny wearily and you roll your own eyes.

"She's friendly as long as you're nice. Danny, you be nice."

Danny's demeanor immediately becomes more open and friendly. Still being careful, John extends a hand towards you and you let him help you off of the bed. Danny follows without you having to tell her to.

Once seated in the car with Danny by your side, you out on your seatbelt, shivering a bit. John notices and hands you his jacket, after wiping off a few blood spatters. You gladly slip your arms into the sleeves that are way too big.

"Thanks, John."

And with that, you drift off to sleep.


"Hey, kid. We're here."

You lift your head off of Danny and both of you peer out of the window.

"A hotel?"

"Motel," he corrects, unbuckling your seatbelt and helping you out of the car. Danny jumps down after you, running towards one of the motel doors.

"Smart dog," John mumbles, unlocking the door Danny ran to. He lets you and Danny in first and you are met by two pairs of wide eyes.

"Boys, this is (Y/n) and her dog, uh..."

"Danny," you supply.

"Her dog Danny. (Y/n), these are my sons, Sam and Dean."


You wave shyly at the brothers. Both of them stare at you and Danny as John locks the door and drops the bags by one of the beds. Finally, the one named Sam steps forward.

"Hi. I like your dog."

You smile at him.

"You can pet her if you want. She's friendly."

At this point, Danny is still only a puppy. Sam happily sits on the ground, rubbing her stomach. Dean watches from nearby, keeping a close eye on his little brother the whole time. You watch Sam as well, but not quite in the same way. The smile on his face makes you happy as well. You know this must be the case for his older brother, but he isn't quite showing it unless you look at his eyes. You squint at Dean and he meets your eyes.


Sam looks up from the dog and to his brother.

"Nothing," you respond a bit shyly, looking down. Dean doesn't say anything else and after another few minutes, you fall asleep on the floor next to Sam and Danny.

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