Preferences (Hugs)

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Hi guys. I'm not doing that great rn. So anyways this chapter is hugs. Enjoy!



You sit up in bed and gasp. Your tank top clings to your body with sweat although you are freezing. Tears leak down your face as rock back and forth in the bed. You take heaving breaths and try to calm down, use the technique Dean taught you. But this time, it isn't working.

You push the covers to the side and tiptoe out of your room. You lock your motel room and run to the one directly next door. A few knocks on the door later, Dean opens the door and you practically jump on him.


You wrap your arms around him tightly.

"Was the nightmare really bad?"

You've never actually hugged Dean before, not even after your previous nightmares. You nod and let him guide you past Sam and to the other bed.

"He's here Dean. I saw him."

"No (Y/n)-"

"He's in my head, Dean!"

Sam stirs in the bed but doesn't wake. You cling to him and refuse to let go for several minutes. Slowly, your sobs subside. Your shoulders stop shaking, and the tears slow down.

"Do you want to sleep with me tonight?"

You nod again and get under the covers with him.

"Dean?" You ask, your voice sounding broken and scared.

"Yes (Y/n)?"

"I love you."

He puts his arm around your waist and pulls you closer.

"I love you too."



Your first hug from Sam was basically the day you met. After saving you from Crowley, you refused to let go of him. You held his hand and followed him wherever he went. You made him sit with you in the backseat during the car ride and you automatically grabbed his hand again when you reached a place that you thought looked like a bunker of some kind.

You held his hand through the little tour he gave you of said bunker, Dean watching with an amused smile as you refused to move from his side.

Finally, before falling asleep that night, you hugged him.

"Thank you Sam," you hugged him tightly, harder than you'd ever hugged someone before. He hugged you back. And it wasn't one of those awkwardly kind of hugging back hugs. It was a real hug.



Your first hug from Cas was... Kind of awkward at first. He initiated it. One minute, you were smiling at him, and the next, he was hesitantly hugging you. When you hugged back, he wrapped his arms around you even tighter. You smiled into his chest and sighed.

"Love you Cas."



"I need to go."

"I know, just wait a second."

You rush up to him and hug him tightly.

"Be careful out there."

"Of course dear. I'll be seeing you soon."

You gently push him out the bunker door and watch as he disappears from view.



"Fuck," you hiss through your teeth as you clean the wound in your side. You pant and after a few minutes you get it cleaned and sewn up with dental floss. A flap of wings sounds from behind you and you turn around.


He cuts you off with a tight hug. You gasp a little but immediately hug him back just as tightly. A warm cocoon surrounds you. You can't exactly see what it is, but a golden glow emanates from it and it feels warm, kind of feathery, and alive.

"What's this about?"

"You could've gotten killed out there."

"Gabe, what are you talking about? I'm fine. I obviously handled it."

"So? It could've been worse. You need to be more careful."

"Gabriel, it can always be worse. There is always a chance I'll be killed. It just comes with the job."

You place a hand on his face.

"And besides. I know you always come when I call."

"But what if one day I can't? What if one day you call for me and I don't come?"

"Then I'll deal. Obviously if I didn't die before we met, I'm not dyin anytime soon."

"Okay," he places his chin on your head and you both stay there for a long time.



Surprise! I'm doing Garth for this one because who wouldn't want a hug from Garth? If you want me to permanently add him to preferences, comment and I'll do it.

"Just warning you," Dean says as you walk out of the motel door.

"He's kind of strange," Sam continues. "He'll grow on you."

"He's actually really nice-"

"Okay guys! I get it!" You laugh. A man walks up to the three of you.


He hugs Dean and then moves on to Sam.

"I missed you guys."

He pulls away from Sam and looks at you.

"And you must be (Y/n)!"

He moves forward to hug you and you hug him back with a warm smile.

"Wonderful to finally meet you Garth. I know we're gonna be great friends."

So yeah. Hope you liked that. Now I gotta go to bed. I had a long day.

Stay Awesome ~ NeedsMoreMisha

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