Dancing with Cas

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I know last time I said I'd do a Dean imagine but I changed my mind. So here you go.

You sit on the couch with a bored expression. Sam and Dean decided to take the weekend off, and the first day, you were rushing around, doing all the things you wanted to do, like reading your favorite novel, doodling, you even made a pie! And you went to bed early. But now you have nothing to do.


"Oh, hey Cas!"

You look up at him and smile.

"What do you need?"

Cas looks at the ground shyly.

"Well, I noticed you like to sing and dance, and I was wondering..."

"Cas, I don't ever sing or dance around other people," you say suspiciously.

"I may sometimes watch you dance when the boys are gone. Sometimes..."

"Oh..." You blush.

"The first time it was an accident."

You nod.

"What were you going to ask Cas?"

You look back up at him.

"Well, I noticed you look happy when you sing and dance, and you look pretty when you're happy, and I just wanted to know if you would dance with me."

"Oh, Cas."

You stand up.

"I'd love to!"

Your lips curve into a smile as you take his hand and walk into the next room. You notice his face brightening at your words, which makes you smile a little more. He turns on a song he knows you really like. You get into a dancing position and you find that Cas is actually really good.

"Cas, you're awesome at this!"

"I watched a few videos and figured it out," he mumbles, a blush crossing his face. You dance for a little bit, only hearing the sound of each other breathing and the music in the background.

All we need is love
All we need is love
All we need is love
Love is all we need

You sigh happily.

"Thank you, Cas. This really does make me happy."

You smile up at him.

"You're welcome."

You both come to a halt and stare into each other's eyes as the music plays on.

Slowly, you draw closer and finally kiss. You both pull away. You look at each other.

"I should tell you something."

"Yes, Cas?"

"Whenever I see you, I get a weird feeling in my stomach. And I notice everything. Your smile, your eyes. I feel strange around you. Dean said I should tell you."

"Cas. That's called love."

"Love..." He looks down at you.

"Mhm. And it's okay to feel that way. Because I love you too."

You smile and kiss him again.

Sorry, this one was short. It's not my best work either. Anyways, I hope you like it!

Stay awesome ~ NeedsMoreMisha

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