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So I made that little school pic thing and I'm writing an imagine based on it. I'm also going to name your friend but if you don't like the name or whatever, you can replace their name with another or whatever. I'm actually writing the friend in the likeness of my best friend on the planet, blushingdestiel , who is amazing!

"Bye Mom, love you!"

You run out the door and meet up with your friend, Bea. Her short dirty blonde hair moves slightly with the breeze.

"You're late," she says as you run to catch the bus.

"I'm always late," you laugh. You manage to get to the bus stop just in time, like you do every time.

"C'mon you two," Gabriel, the janitor/nurse/bus driver, says and pushes you gently into a seat in the front. As Gabriel pulls away from the curb, your parents wave to you through the window.

"You guys excited for your first day in 9th grade?"

You and Bea shrug.

"I dunno, sir."

"Why do you two always insist on calling me that? Just call me Gabriel."

"Yes, sir," both of you say simultaneously and laugh. He chuckles too.

You, Bea, and Gabriel often have conversations on the ride to and from school. Gabriel starts telling a story about back when his brother, Lucifer was in preschool.

"I used to teach him all this dumb stuff, and then he would go to school and do it wrong, which only made it better. Every morning, I'd be walking by and hear 'Guys, look what Gabriel showed me!' One time, he kicked the ceiling and broke it. This other time I snuck in and we ate cinnamon roll dough together. It was pretty good. Although I did get in trouble," he chuckles.

"Hey, watch out!"

He swerves away from an oncoming car and kids screech (like pterodactyls) as they are thrown into windows. You and Bea laugh despite the near-death experience. After a few more moments of amiable conversation, Gabriel pulls up at the school and let's you all off.

"Bye sir!"

He waves at Bea and pats you on the shoulder.

"Have a good day!"


A nervous smile spreads across your face as Bea leaves you to find your locker. An odor wafts brought the halls. Something like... Pumpkin spice?

"Pumpkin spice makes everything nice," Gabriel says, walking past with a bottle of pumpkin spice bleach. You shake your head and smile.

Kids push you out of the way and you end up falling into one of your new teachers. You look up to find its Mister Crowley. Just your luck. The students before you said that Crowley was the meanest teacher out of all of them, yet he still seemed to be loved by all of them.

"Oh no, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." you scramble to apologize. He takes a deep breath.

"It's fine, just please be more careful."

He helps you up and then continues on to his classroom.

You finally find your locker and struggle to open it and pull out everything you need for your first class, which happens to be math.

You make it into the classroom just before the bell rings. Luckily, the teacher is running late. You look around. The only empty seat is at the very front of the classroom, right in front of the teachers desk. Bea waves at you from the back of the room. You quickly sit in the chair and wait for your teacher to arrive. But after a few minutes, the teacher still isn't there.

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