Y/n in Oz P.5

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When you wake up, it takes your vision a minute to fade back in. Once it does, you try to study your surroundings. The walls are grey and dull, and underneath the dusty carpet, you feel the irregular bumps of stone making up the floor.

"Sam?" You call, your voice echoing off the walls.

"Here!" He answers from across the room. You whip your head toward him and struggle to stand.


"You're awake!"

You turn around again and wince as the pain in your neck increases. All this whipping around is definitely not doing you any good.


"Yes, it's me. Who else were you expecting, honestly," Crowley replies, not even looking at you.

So he cares enough to have his minions kidnap you but not enough to look at you.


"Why do you even want me here?" You sigh, trying to look taller than him.

Sam finally gets up and stands behind you.

"I need those slippers. But I can't take them from you. So I'll keep you here until you either give them to me or until you die. Whichever comes first," he replies, finally looking at you.

You sneer up at him, taking Sam's hand.

"Well either way, you'll have to wait a long time. I'm not giving up these bad boys and I'll be gone before I die, so tough luck."

You cross your arms sassily, pretending to not even care.

"Well then, in the meantime, you can stay here and waste away."

He turns to leave and you know you shouldn't be worried, it's just a dream after all, but your heart starts pumping faster.

"Uh, wait a minute. You're just going to leave me here? Forever?"

Crowley stops and turns around.

"You're right. I'll have to wait too long."

You watch as he passes you, climbing up a staircase and flipping over a large hourglass.

"By the end of the hour, you'll be dead."

"Wait, what? You can't do that!"

"Well, apparently I can," he replies, walking out of the room and slamming the door.

"Shit, what're we gonna do! If I don't give these to him, we'll both die," you exclaim, looking at Sam with worry.

"(Y/n), don't give them to him. He'll use them for something bad. Don't worry, I'm sure our friends will come to get us."

"Oh. Yeah, of course."

You had gotten so caught up in the events that you forgot you already knew what was going to happen.

Back with the boys...

"We have to get to (Y/n) and her dog," Castiel says, looking towards the direction you were taken.

"Well, obviously," Dean huffs, following his gaze.

"I dunno guys. We could get killed."

Gabriel rubs the back of his neck nervously. Both Dean and Cas look at Gabriel like he's crazy.

"What's wrong with you? (Y/n) and Sam are our friends. We have to save them. If we didn't, we be awful people."

"He has a point," Cas adds, standing behind Dean. Gabriel looks between them and heaves out a sigh.

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