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Here is another imagine. Hope it's okay. Enjoy!!!


It can be very dangerous in engineering, luckily I myself have never been injured while working done here or at least that was until right now...

Scotty had asked me to go fix a pipe that had started leaking, I grabbed my tools and headed to the pipe, it was up higher than I could reach so I found a ladder to stand on, I started to fix the pipe when the ship suddenly tilted, the ladder slide out from under me and I hit the ground hard...I screamed as my left arm felt like it was on fire.

"(Y/N)? Where are ya lass?..."

Scotty eventually found me and instantly called the Medbay. A nurse came and helped me up. When we arrived at the Medbay she directed me over to a bed and went to retrieve Bones.

"Dammit woman, what have you done to yourself..."

I could barely speak as the pain was to much. Bones scanned my arm.

"You've managed to break your arm, I'll give you a hypo to ease the pain and then I'll put a cast on that arm."

Normally I would object to hypos but right now I couldn't care less...I just want the pain to go away. I felt the hypo stab my arm but then the pain slowly started to ease, meanwhile Bones was busy putting the cast on my arm.

"All should heal within a few weeks, you won't be able to work till then so you might what to find a hobby till then, maybe start with finding ways to avoid hurting yourself."

I laughed but soon stopped when I realise bones wasn't laughing.

"It isn't funny (Y/N), you need to be careful, something a lot worse could of happened to you today and I can't stand seeing you in so much pain..."

He turned away from me...I didn't realise bones cared so much about me...I hoped off the bed and debated whether or not to say something, I chose not to and headed towards the door, just as I was about to leave someone grabbed my arm and pulled me back, as I turned around to see who was grabbing me my lips were met by bone's. I was about to pull away but I couldn't bring myself to...something about this just felt so right. Eventually bones pulled away.

"(Y/N), I've liked you for a while now...will you go out with me?"

To answer I simply pulled bone's lips back on mine. I could tell he understood as he pulled me closer to him. Kirk then entered Medbay.

"Finally!!! Sulu owes me $10."

"Dammit Jim!!!"

All I could do was laugh as I saw my beloved boyfriend chase after the captain with a hypo...he was just so perfect, and he was all mine.


I hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open

~Clo X

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