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Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by @Lostmazerunnergirl25 :Hi, please can I make a request?
Basically, there's a new recruit onboard the uss enterprise, a fifteen year old girl- the youngest person ever aboard. She is an apprentice to bones, and is assigned a job on the ship because she is top in her school. She soon meets Chekov, who is the only other teenager there, and they soon become really good friends. Then can they in the end like admit their feelings towards eachother??? Can it be cute and fluffy?
I really love your stories and it would be amazing if you could write mine xx

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


As a child you always wanted to go to space, you dreamed about what it would be like to discover a new planet and meet new species, your father was a former Captain in Starfleet, he'd always pushed you to follow your dreams and work hard to get into Starfleet, your mother on the other hand, wanted you to follow in her footsteps and get a respectable job as a doctor, you loved the idea of being able to help sick people but you also loved space, the compromise, become a doctor in the federation.

Though out school you made sure your grades were the best, you wanted to show your mother just how much space meant to you. Your hard work paid off, on your 11th birthday your received a letter from Starfleet Academy, the letter said that they wanted you to enrol early into the academy, you were over the moon. You attended Starfleet academy and once again blew everyone away with you ability to learn. After 4 years you graduated, you father was so proud of you, your mother didn't want to admit it but you knew she was proud as well.

At the age of just 15 you became an official member of the USS Enterprise crew, when you first arrived on the starship you were met by the captain, Jim Kirk, his first officer, Spock, and your mentor, Leonard McCoy (or Bones according to the captain). On the ship you were Bone's apprentice, he would show you everything you needed to know to be a doctor in space. You loved your job, everyone was welcoming and accepting of you, however you did feel at times that you couldn't connect with anyone, being the youngest on the ship meant that there was always going to be distance between you and other crew member, you just accepted that as how life would be, it wasn't until Bone's told you to go to the bridge to get the captain to sign off a form that you realised you weren't alone in your teenager bubble.

"Permission to come on the bridge"

"Permission Granted"

"Sorry to disturb you captain but Bones requires you to sign this"

"No problem"

You hands the form to Kirk along with a pen. While he signed it your eyes wandered around the bridge, you noticed a boy at the navigation control, he looked not much older than you. The captain seemed to notice your sudden interest in the boy.

"Mr Chekov, I don't believe you have met Dr (Y/L/N), she's the girl who beat your record of youngest crew member."

Chekov turn and looked at you, he smiled at you but you could only blush, he was really cute.

"Why don't you two take the rest of the day off and get to know each what every teenagers do these days"

"I would sir but I have a lot of work to do down in the medbay..."

"Nonsense, you two go have fun...ill tell bones where you are"

Chekov stood up and walked over to you. You both thanked the captain before walking to the turbo lift.

"How about ve go to ze cafeteria and chat"

His accent melted you inside, the more time you spent around him the more you fell for him.

"Sure...that sounds great"

The turbo lift stopped and you walked to the cafeteria, you went to the replicator and got a hot chocolate, as did Chekov, you then both sat down at a table.

"I should probably haff introduzed myself earlier, I'm Pavel Chekov"

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you Pavel, I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N)"

"I notized ze Keptin mention you vere quite young...if you don't mind me asking, how old are you???"

"I'm old are you???"

" must be a genius to haff gotten into Starfleet so young"

You blushed at his comment. You both chatted for a few more hours about your lives. You loved talking to Pavel, it was just so easy. He understands you more than anyone else does on this ship, it's incredible to not be the only youngster on this voyage.

Over the next few months your friendship with Pavel grew, you two became inseparable, every moment you had spare you were with Pavel, watching movies, listening to music and even playing pranks on the other crew members. You loved Pavel's company, whenever one of you had to work late, the other one would go and keep the other company. The captain had noticed how much time you were both spending with each other, he was shocked about the fact you weren't together, you were perfect for each other so he decided he'd give you both a push in the right direction. You about to finish your shift when Kirk walked into the medbay.

"(Y/N), just the girl I was looking for"

"What can I do for you Jim???"

"A little bird told me that you have a crush on a certain Russian Whiz Kid"

"Www...what???*starts to blush while nervously laughing* where do you hear that???"

"Ah ha, I knew it, you've really fallen for him haven't you kid"

You stared at the floor while you answered.

"I may have developed a crush on Pavel but I know he'd never like me back...I'm just a 15 year old girl and he's almost 18, he'd never want to go out with me"

"Haff you ewer asked him???"

You looked towards the door to see Pavel standing there holding a single red rose.

"I'll just leave you two kids to talk"

The Captain left and Pavel walked towards you, he handed you the rose.

"You know I haff a crush on you too"

You both began blushing like the teenagers you are, you looked at the rose, after hearing him say he feels the same way all you wanted to do was kiss him, the only thing was, what if he didn't want to kiss you, what if you were getting to ahead of yourself, what stopped freaking out. You calmed down and gathered all the confidence you had, you looked into Pavel's eyes and you could tell he knew what you were going to do. You both leaned into each other and soon your lips were connected. The kiss didn't last long, but it made you both turn red again.

"So...I vas vomdering if you'd like to go out vith me???"

"I'd love too"

Pavel them took your hand in his and you walked to your quarters, you both cuddled on the couch and watched Disney movies together, it was the perfect way to end a wonderful day. Life on the Enterprise just got a lot better knowing that you finally had a boyfriend who was perfect, you both cared for one another and it was a nice thought that your great friendship was now going to be a beautiful relationship that you hoped would last a very long time.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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