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Another imagine, hope it's ok.


"(Y/N), can ya take this ta the bridge and make sure Captain Perfect Hair signs it."

"No problem Scotty, I'll be back soon."

I love it when I have to go see the captain, he's just so handsome. Some girls get put off because he chases any girl he sees but personally I feel that if he met the right person maybe he wouldn't be like that,maybe he would change, maybe I will be the one to change him...

Before I knew it I had managed to daydream my way to the bridge.

"Permission to enter the bridge."

"Permission granted...Miss (Y/L/N), what a pleasant surprise, what can I do for you?"

"Mr Scott requires you to sign this sir."

"Sure...also please, call me Jim...there you go, one signature."

"Thank you Jim."

I turned and entered the turbo lift, as the door was about to close the captain ran into the lift.

"Spock, take the conn...(Y/N) wait, can I ask you something?"


"Are you doing anything tonight?"

"Nothing I can't cancel, why?"

"Would you like to go on a date with me, tonight at 7?"

Inside I was screaming, my dreams were coming true, the captain of the enterprise was asking me out on a date, could life be any better?!

"I would love to...I'll see you at 7."

The door to the lift opened to the engineering floor, as I left to exit I stopped and turned to Jim I gave him a quick kiss before I rushed to get back to work with a slight blush appearing on my cheeks. Tonight was going to be perfect.


I hope you liked it. I may do a Part 2.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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