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Here is another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S thank you so much for over 3k readers on this book, it means so much to me 😊😊😊)


You were looking over some documents in you room when you had a thump on your door. You open the door to find bones lying on the ground.

"Umm...Bones??? Why are you on the floor???"

"I was trying to get Jim to go for him medical exam but as soon as I mentioned getting a hypo, he pushed me over and ran off"

"Why does he have to be such a's only a hypo, it doesn't hurt that bad"

"It's probably my own fault he doesn't like them, I did give him quite a few when we first got on the enterprise...he never forgiven me for the allergic reaction he had"

You helped Bones off the ground.

"Why don't you come in and have a coffee with me, we can think of a plan to get Jim to go to medbay"

Bones followed you into your quarters, he sat on the couch while you got the coffee. You handed him and cup then sat beside him, you then thought of a plan to make Jim do the exam.

After about an hour, your plan was ready to be put into action. The plan was, since Jim had a crush on you, you would call him to your room, you would distract him meanwhile Bones would be hiding in the bathroom and when Jim wasn't paying attention, he would hypo him. You would then get the medical staff to take the captain to medbay to then have his medical done.

There was a knock at the door, you hurried Bones into the bathroom before opening the door. Jim was standing leaning against the door frame with a smug look on his face.

"I knew it would only be a matter of time before you revealed your true feelings about me"

"Your right...I just couldn't keep it to myself any longer"

You were laughing hysterically on the inside, you couldn't believe he was buying this, of course you didn't have feelings for him, he was a womaniser out to break girls hearts. You were happy to have him as a friend but nothing more, besides, you had your eye on someone else.

You invited Jim inside, you shut the door behind him and turned around only to be met by Jim's lips, he kissed you roughly and passionately, you didn't pull away but you weren't exactly enjoying it. You quickly glanced to the bathroom door but it was still closed. Jim's hands went to your hips and lifted you up, you wrapped your legs around his waist and started to panic went he walked over to your bed, he lay you down on the bed, still managing to kiss you, he only broke the kiss to take off his shirt. You looked worried as the Bones still hadn't left the bathroom. Jim proceeded to take your dress off and you started to wish you hadn't decided on this plan, you didn't want to do this. As Jim started to undo his belt, the bathroom door finally opened and soon Jim was collapse on the floor. You instantly ran to Bones and hugged him, he'd eventually saved you from a terrible mistake. You stopped hugging and slapped Bones in the face.

"You took your time"

"I'm sorry, I got...distracted...anyway i thought you liked Kirk...I thought you'd be angry about me stopping your little show"

"I'll have you know, I see Jim only as a friend...I actually like someone else"

"Oh really?! So who's the lucky guy???"

"Well...I...uhhh...I like you..."

Without warning Bones was now kissing you, he lay you down on the bed and gave you a special medical exam 😉😉😉.

When the fun was over you were lying in bed cuddling with Bones, you then heard someone groan in agony...The Captain!!! You had both completely forgot about him, you had gotten caught up in the moment. Jim stood up and looked at you and Bones, he didn't look upset, he just smirked at you both.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here..."

"Dammit Jim, would you just get out of here before I hypo you again"

Jim's face turned to horror as he ran out the room, you giggled before kissing Bones.

"I love you Leo"

"I love you too Darlin'...I was wondering if this means you wouldn't mind being my girlfriend."

"I would love to be your girlfriend Bones"

You kissed him once more before cuddling again and slowly drifting off to sleep.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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