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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. Thank you so much for over 25k reads on this book ❤️❤️❤️ you guys are incredible 😊😊😊)


Since the first day you joined the enterprise crew, you have had to endure Kirk asking you out on a date every time he sees you. The first time it was flattering but after almost a whole year of rejecting him, it was getting annoying. The horrible part was he wasn't asking you out because he was in love with you, he was just asking you out because you were the only girl in the crew that had said no when he asked and he was determined to change your mind...he'd never convince you though because you wanted to be with someone who loved you and not for a day or two, you wanted someone who would care for you and love you forever...someone kind and considerate...someone like, Pavel...he was handsome, had an amazing accent, valued your opinion and would love you no matter what.

"Ah miss (Y/L/N)...I was wondering if you had any plans tonight...I was thinking that maybe you could have dinner with me...have a romantic date, what do you say???"


This was getting ridiculous, you hated having to reject him wanted him to take a hint and leave you alone. You'd gladly be Jim's friend, but nothing just needed to find a way to make him stop chasing you...then it hit you...

"...sorry Jim...I can't I already have dinner plans with someone else..."

"Oh really??? Who???"

"I'll have you know that I have plans with...with...Pavel"

Jim and Pavel both looked at you in surprise.

"Hold and Chekov???"

"Yep...we are going on a date tonight aren't we Pavel..."

Jim looked at Pavel and Pavel looked at you, he was very mouthed for him to go along with it and luckily he understood.

"Ahh..Yez ve are..."

"No your not...I can two aren't right for each've barely every spoke to each other..."

"Captain it's true, I promise you that"

"Oh really??? Prove it"

"How am I supposed to prove it???"

"Kiss Chekov...if you are really going on a date, you will have no problem I kissing one another"


You walked over to a rather nervous Pavel, you pulled him to stand up before you looked back to make sure Jim was watching before you placed your hands on Pavel's cheeks and pulled his lips onto first the kiss was slightly awkward but the longer it went on, the more comfortable you both became...Pavel even got enough confidence to place his hands on your waist and pull you closer to him, he deepened the kiss and the two of you got lost in the wonderful moment...meanwhile Jim just stared at the two of you shocked...he was a bit disappointed that he had missed his chance with you but quickly got over it and let the bridge. Eventually the kiss broke to allow you both to breath.

"That vaz..."

"Incredible...that's for going along with that, I don't have anything against Jim, it's just...I feel nothing towards him"

"I underztand...zo, vaz zat juzt a vone time zing or can be do sat more often"

"Mr Chekov, was that you way of asking me out???"


"Well, I'd love to..."

"Great...zo vhy don't I meet you at 7 and be can go on sat date of ourz..."

"Sounds like a plan...I'll see you then"

You kissed Pavel once more before leaving the bridge and heading to the medbay to collect some files...on your way there, you recieved a message on your PADD...

Missing you already beautiful...I love you ❤️
-Ensign P. Chekov

How was it possible for one person to be that quickly replied before entering the medbay...

Miss and Love you too ❤️😘
-Ensign (Y/I) (Y/L/N)


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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