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Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by JessicaHarris924 :Could you please do one were the reader and Kirk are listening to the Beastie Boys while debating on which one of their songs is the greatest.

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


Today you and Jim both had the day off, for people back on earth that would probably mean a day of relaxing and catching up on a t.v programme, it that wasn't the case up here on the enterprise. With Jim being the captain and you being his assistant, a day off meant catching up on paperwork that hadn't been signed or filed int other words, your day offs are were boring. One good thing though was because you and Jim were dating and shared a quarter, you didn't get lonely while you worked.

You had both been working for a few hours now and it was starting to become really draining. Looking through paper after paper, putting them in different piles of what needs signed, what needs to be could feel yourself going cross-eyed from all the words. In order to get the work done today you needed to think of something to make the chore seem less annoying, the only thing you could think of was you got out of your seat and walked over to the speakers, plugged in your PADD and opened up your Beastie Boys playlist.

"Yes...Here we go again, give you more nothing lesser..."

"I didn't know you liked the Beastie Boys..."

"Are you kidding me??? There music is incredible...who wouldn't like them???"

"If I had know, we could have played their songs more often...especially there song 'Fight for your Right' it's a classic..."

"It is a good song...but I think 'No Sleep, till Brooklyn' is even better..."

"No, no, no, there greatest song HAS to be 'Sure Shot' have to admit it..."

"It's not my favourite...but I'll admit it's an okay song..."

"How can you even say that?! It's an amazing song!!!"

"Maybe for you but for me, I just am not keen on it...I prefer 'An Open Letter To NYC' over it"

"That song doesn't really do it for me..."

"Have you even listened to it???"

"Of course I have...I have listened to all their songs...have you???"

"Obviously...I suppose it's just personal preference as to what you think is their best songs...*quietly* even if you are wrong"

"What was that???"


You gave Jim a sarcastic smile, and he gave you the same back. The two of you were about to get back to work when the song changed and you both stopped in your tracks.

"I can't stand it I know you planned it
I'm gonna set it straight, this watergate
I can't stand rocking..."

"I love this song!!!"

"Me too...this has to be there greatest hands down, without a doubt"

"Your right about that (Y/N)'s a good choice"

"Finally, a song we agree on..."

Jim simply laughed at you, which made you laugh as well. You and Jim then returned to your work but not before putting 'Sabotage' on would never get tired of hearing that song. Plus, because the song made you and Jim happy, you both got your work done quicker so you could sit cuddled on the couch watching movies, looks like this day off didn't turn out as bad as you thought it was actually a lot of fun.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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