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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


You remember your wedding day like it was yesterday. How nervous you were, how the first person to cry was your dad, how the captain wouldn't stop teasing the two of you getting married at such a young age, you remember looking at Pavel as you walked down the aisle, how it felt like you were the only two people in the room, the rest of the world didn't matter in that moment...the only thing that mattered to you was Pavel.

Now you were sitting in the same church you got married but this time, it was your daughter, Alanna's big day. When you first found out you were pregnant, you freaked out a bit. You were terrified that Pavel would leave you and you'd be left alone to care for your baby but you never should of doubted him because as alway, he stood by you no matter what. The moment you held your baby girl, all you wanted to do was protect her, she was so fragile and small. All throughout her life both you and Pavel put Alanna's happiness before your own, she was the only child you and Pavel had a special place in your heart.

When Alanna was 18, she started taking dating seriously, and as much as you and Pavel didn't want your angel to grow up, you knew that you couldn't stop her so you just informed her and hoped she'd make the right choices with her life. The first serious boyfriend she had was Josh, and now here she was marrying him. Josh was a great kid, he didn't pressure Alanna into anything and was alway a gentlemen, you couldn't of asked for a better husband for your daughter.

The music started to play and everyone stood up, you turned towards the door and watched as Pavel guided your baby to her new life, you could feel tears rolling down your cheek...this was it, she had grown'd done all you could as a parent, you prepared her for life and now you had to let her go...

*time skip Bones...Buckle up*

You watch as Alanna and Josh danced their first dance as man and wife, you couldn't be prouder of her.

"Ve did good, didn't ve"

"Yeah, we sure did"

"She'll be okay you know...he'll look avter her"

"I know he will...doesn't mean it's easy to let her go though"

"I know vhat you mean..."

"Pavel...I love you, so much"

"I lowve you too...say, vhy don't ve go dance"

"You know I can't dance"

"And you know zat I can eizer...but let'z be embarazing parents"

"Now that sounds fun"

And so the inner child can out in both of you as you danced the silliest dance you and Pavel just smiled and laughed at the fun meanwhile you knew Alanna was red with may seem a horrible thing to do to your child, especially on their big day...but then what are parents for. 😄😄😄


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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