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Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by @ShErLyLoCkSs :I have been binge reading your book and I want to say I love it and can you maybe do a khan x reader one?It's totally okay if you don't want to xD

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


We caught him...the man who killed Pike, the man who I'm supposed to hate...but I don't. I was given the task of guarding Khan while he was aboard the enterprise, at first when he tried to start a conversation I'd blank him out, he was the enemy after all, but after hours of him trying to get my attention I eventually gave in and answered him. We got to talking and I feel like I learned a lot about him, the fact that even though he does horrible things, he does them for the right reasons...he just wanted to save his crew, his family, and it just so happened that to do that, he had to make some bad choices.

After saving the Captain using Khan's blood, I was allowed to see him one last time before he was frozen once more. I entered the room he was being held in and couldn't control my actions so ended up running over to him and kissing him, at first he didn't react but eventually he returned the kiss, in that moment it became obvious to me that I had intact fallen in love with the super human...but we couldn't be together, which made him returning the kiss that much harder.

"Khan, I..."

"I know"


"Because I feel the same way towards you...during my imprisonment, you were the only one kind enough to talk to me, the only one who didn't see me as the monster I had become, and I am grateful for that"

"But we can't be together..."

"No we cannot...but I'll always be with go, live your life and be happy...I love you (Y/N)"

"I love you too"

After that I never saw him again, but I never forgot him.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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