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Here's another imagine. Requests are Open. Enjoy!!!

(Updates may be slow as I start school again today but I'll try my best yo update the story as often as possible)

For 2 years you'd been married to the wonderful Captain Kirk, he was an amazing Captain, he was always brave and put his crew before him, he protected them no matter what. You work on the bridge with him, you both love spending so much time together. You had gotten up and ready for work before Jim had which wasn't unusual, he always stayed behind on the bridge just to make sure everything was OK, so he tended to sleep a bit longer and was later to work.

Your shift had been going for 5 hours now and Jim still hadn't made an appearance on the bridge, Spock took on the role as acting Captain and ordered you to go look for the Captain. You went back to your quarters and just before you opened the door you heard someone in a fit of coughs, you entered to find Kirk still in bed looking terrible. He stopped coughing and you walked over to him, you placed your hand on his forehead, he was burning up.

"Jim your sick, why didn't you tell me!!!"

"I didn't want to interrupt your work and besides I'll be better in no time, no need to worry."

He tried to act fine but failed terribly, you knew exactly what he was doing. He was avoiding going to medbay because he knew bones would give him a hypo and he was terrified of them. You got out your communicator and called bones to your quarter, when Kirk realised what you were doing he tried to get up and stop you but didn't have enough energy to stop you.

Soon bones came over and said that Jim had caught a virus, he gave Jim a hypo, eventually, after wrestling with him for about 10 mins trying to get the hypo near his neck. Bones also gave you a hypo to prevent you from getting the virus but signed both of you off work for two weeks, you were both confined to your rooms until the virus was completely gone. You took care of Jim by getting him water and food. That night you were both cuddling in bed when Jim started to kiss you neck, you could tell he was feeling better, he started to suck on your neck and you could tell he was going to leave a mark, his hands started to roam you body when you came back to reality and stopped him.

"Your supposed to be sick!!!"

"I am but this will make me feel better and you'll enjoy it I swear."

He proceeded with his previous actions and once again you stopped him, you told him you weren't going to do that with him till he was given the all clear. He went in a huff with you but you just ignore the childish behaviour and went to sleep.

*time skip brought to you by I like this's exciting*

Kirk was given the all clear and he couldn't be happier, he could finally touch you again, that night you could tell how much Kirk had missed being with you. You were both supposed to be at work the next morning but you didn't turn up...Captains Orders 😉😉😉


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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