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Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by @Pokeharvest :Oh my gosh this was cute!! I love all of your work Maybe you can do a Scotty one where Scotty complains about a few things working, so the reader fixes it without telling him, so when he goes to fix it it's fixed and he's confused and frustrated because he thinks something's going on with the ship when it's just the reader being nice?

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. Thank you so much for over 50k reads on this book, it means a lot ❤️❤️❤️)


*Scotty's POV*

"Scotty this isn't working, Scotty that ain't working...I ken am the engineer fer the ship but why is it always me people come tae when there's a problem...there's only say much a guy can dae fer a ship that is falling apart...ain't that right wee man"

I know Keenser didn't hear a word of that cause he was too busy climbing on equiptment...again...but seriously, the enterprise can only go so long out here, it's no wonder she's failing...I just wish it wasn't always me having to do everything for this ship. Even though I don't want to, I still pick up my tools and go to fix everyone's problems, cause it won't get down itself.

*Your POV*

You had overheard the beginning of what Scotty was saying and it made you realise...He does so much for the ship, and no one ever appreciates it. When something breaks, he gets told to fix it because everyone just thinks he'll fix it...but maybe someone else should fix it for a change...that gave you an idea. While Scotty was busy talking, you decided to get a start on the things that needed fixing to give Scotty a helping hand.

*Scotty's POV*

These people can be very inconsiderate at times...they don't realise that I have other things I need to do today, instead of doing call outs for things that aren't even broken...seriously these people really need to learn the difference between broken and operating...might as well get the next problem...

~time passes~

The crews out to get me...wasting my time, making me run around like a headless chicken around the whole bloody ship. All they have done is waste my time so while I was dealing with idiots all day, I could have been getting on with other things like maintenance checks and such like, but no...I have to run at everyone beck and call.

"Hey Scotty"

"What do want Lass, if you need something fixed, forget aboot it..."

"I was actually coming to say...if you ever need any help with fixing stuff, I'm always free, I quite enjoyed today actually"

"What dae ya mean, you enjoyed today???"

"The things you needed to fix...I did it for you, I thought it would help..."

"Wait a fixed all those things today?!"

"Yeah...I thought you wouldn't mind the help"

"Well, thanks lassie...maybe next time, let me know first though, I've been running round thinking the crew had lost the plot"

"Oh...sorry about that"

"Dinnae fret lassie...I really appreciate the help though...the worlds a better place cause oh people like you..."

"Aww...thanks...anyway, my shifts finished for today, but maybe tomorrow...I can help you with fixing some stuff???"

"Sounds like a plan, see ya then lass..."

"See ya Scotty"


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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