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Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by @JessicaHarris924 :Okay thanks, I was wondering if could you do one about Spock meeting a new crew member that uses logic as much as he does and somewhat ends up liking her.

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


*Spocks POV*

The enterprise was receiving new recruits, I took it upon myself to greet the new crew members as I felt that as first officer it would only be appropriate that I preform this task while the captain was pre-occupied. I welcomed them all before having them split into there departments, I gave them directions on where they were to go and sent them on their way, this seemed the more logical solution to the task at hand.

"You realise that if you had split the groups into colours and had a senior officer come to direct each group then they would be less likely to become lost while walking around the ship"

I turned in the direction of the voice that had spoke, I was met by a woman in a blue dress, I thought about what she had suggested and realised she was correct.

"That would have been a more logical solution, I must agree"

"I'm Lieutenant (Y/N) (Y/L/N), I have been assigned as an assistant to Commander Spock"

"I am Commander Spock, if you would like to follow me I will show you your work station"

"That would be wonderful"

I walked towards the bridge with the Lieutenant following close behind me. We did not engage in any conversation which I felt was unwise as we would have to work together for quite a while and it would be logical to form a friendship between one another.

*Your POV*

For a half Vulcan he didn't seem very wise, I would be surprised if even half of the other recruit mange to find their work station...I was following him to where we would work and I felt kind of awkward, I would have thought we could of had a conversation, I was interested in getting to know the person I would be working with for god knows how long. Spock stepped into a turbo lift and I followed, we were standing there in silence so I decided to speak up.

"So...what's it like working on the enterprise???"

"I enjoy my work very much here, it is an exceptional ship to work on"

"What's the Captain like???"

"The Captain is a brave man, worthy of his position. You will be meeting him momentarily"

I stopped the conversation because it was clear he wasn't interested in continuing. The doors to the lift opened up to what I could guess was the bridge, I followed Spock over to the captain, he stood up and extended his hand to me.

"Jim Kirk, welcome aboard the enterprise"

"It is a pleasure to meet you sir, my name is (Y/N) (Y/L/N)"

"It's lovely to meet you (Y/N)...say, would you like to go to dinner with me sometime???"

"I am afraid I am fully aware of your reputation sir and I must decline as I feel that any other relationship beyond a professional one would be unwise"

"God, you sound like Spock...you may report to your post"

You walked over to the station beside Spock's and sat down, the commander showed you what you would be doing. Spock set you a simple task of coming up with an equation to over-ride a weapons target coordinates, you got to work and within 10 minutes you'd come up with a simple equation. You turned to Spock and showed him your work.

*Spocks POV*

I was surprised at how quickly (Y/N) had completed my task, I had underestimated her potential at being a weapons expert...I checked over the equation and she had given me the exact equation I was looking for, it took me many hours to perfect this equation where as a simple human girl had done it in only 10 minutes, I was very intrigued by this girl. I could also feel something else for here but I was unfamiliar by this type of emotion, I believe it is the feeling of love but I would have to conduct further experiments to be sure.

*Your POV slightly into future*

The more time I spend with Spock the more of a different side I see to him, yes he has his Vulcan front that shows little to no emotion but when he was with me I felt he was more human than anything else, I think I might be in love. I headed to my station on the bridge beside Spock, when I sat down he turned to me.

"Lieutenant, I have a query I must receive your advice on"

"Of course Commander, what is your query???"

"Whenever I have the chance to be in your company I feel emotions I am not truly familiar with I was wondering if you were experiencing similar feelings"

"I completely understand were your coming from Spock"

"Then I hope my next action will be taken to kindly"

Spock then leaned in and kissed you, in that moment you knew you really had fallen for him, he placed his hand on your cheek and stroked it gentle before pulling away from the kiss, the two of you just sat there staring into each other's eyes when the captain spoke up.

"Finally!!! I was wondering when you two were gonna get together"

"Excuse me captain???"

"Aww come on (Y/N), can you not see it...you two are logic crazy, it's like your the same person, you were bound to go out at some point"

"If I may captain, I find it quite unprofessional that a man of your rank would dwell on such a thing as romance, do you not I fact have a ship to run???"

"I must strongly agree with (Y/N), Jim"

"You two are creepily similar"

Jim then walked back to his chair and you turn back to Spock, you looked at each other before Spock took your hand into his own.

"(Y/N), I feel that since we both experience similar emotions in one another's company it be only right that we 'go out' as the captain suggested"

"I must agree with you there, it does seem the most logical solution"


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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